
Children's Ministry Craft 3 - Jesus' Ascension

Acts 1

April 30, 2020 • Darin DeVore • Acts 1

This is a craft for kids age 4 years to 2nd grade and beyond. The lesson is about Jesus ascending into heaven and how Jesus was going away to prepare a place for us. The craft uses simple supplies to make craft of Jesus ascending into the clouds.

*NOTE: After creating this craft I found out that the image of Jesus and the disciples was not a free image. There is a link for the image but it does cost money. I originally downloaded it from the free png site that does not have the rights to the image.

Children's Ministry Craft 4 - Pentecost

May 10, 2020 • Darin DeVore • Acts 2

This is a craft for kids age 4 years to 2nd grade and beyond. The lesson is about the Holy Spirit coming upon the church as described in Acts 2. The craft uses simple supplies to make a popup of the disciples sharing and the tongues of fire appearing above the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.

Children's Ministry Craft 1 - Road to Emmaus

April 15, 2020 • Darin DeVore • Luke 24

This is a craft for kids age 4 years to 2nd grade and beyond. The story is where Jesus meets to disciples on the road to Emmaus.

Children's Ministry Craft 2 - Feed My Sheep

April 1, 2023 • Darin DeVore • John 21

This is a craft for kids age 4 years to 2nd grade and beyond. This lesson is about Jesus telling His disciples to feed His sheep from John 21. The craft uses some simple supplies to make a sheep.