
Tables, Not Walls

November 26, 2023 • Duane Roberts • Luke 5:27–32

Concluding this special series, Pastor Duane Roberts walks us through Luke 5:27-32 and explains why Christians are called to build tables of connection, not walls of separation, with people who don’t know Jesus as we build relationships and demonstrate the love of Jesus.

Don't Miss the Party

November 19, 2023 • Doug Sauder • Luke 15:25–32

Continuing this special series, we'll look at the Parable of the Lost Son and see how, unlike the older brother in the story, we're called to see those who are far from God with eyes of empathy and compassion.

A Seat at God's Table

November 12, 2023 • Doug Sauder • Luke 7:36–50

Kicking off a special three-week series in partnership with dozens of churches throughout South Florida, Pastor Doug Sauder shares from Luke 7:36-50 as we're reminded of God’s love for us and encouraged to embrace the same heart towards the people in our community who don't know Jesus.