
November 26, 2023

November 26, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Matthew 28:16–20

Theme: Simple Obedience to Jesus’ Commission

Passage: Matthew 28:16–20

Jesus’ Great Commission to His Followers:

1.    Jesus’ plan comes to followers who ...

a.    Respond (16),

b.    Worship (17a),

c.    Yet, Doubt (17b).

2.    Jesus’ plan calls His followers to make disciples of the nations.

a.    Why?

Jesus possesses complete authority over everything (18).

b.    How? (19–20a)

i.    Get started (19a).

ii.    Call people to follow (19b).

iii.    Teach them to obey Christ’s commands (20a).

c.    What about ...?

Jesus will empower you to the very end (20b).

Main Idea: Christ followers make followers of Christ.

Application Questions:

·     As a follower, where are you doubtful or weakest in following Christ? What step can you take this week to begin to address this?

·     What does it mean that Christ has “been given all authority in heaven and on earth?” How does this impact your life and decision-making?

·     Is Christ’s plan optional for each of his followers? Why do many Christians not involve themselves in His plan to make disciples?

·     With the gifts and abilities Christ has given you, how are you helping (how can you help) others follow Christ? If you are not involved helping others follow Christ, what can you do to get started?