Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:13–18
Theme: Disciplining the Disobedient and Disruptive
Difficulties to Discipline:
· Ease of Exiting
· Misunderstanding Membership as Voluntary
· Stigma of Stereotypes
Main Idea: When believers disobey and err, we must continue to do good (13).
Doing good in the community of faith necessitates that we ...
1. Keep away from the disobedient and disruptive (6).
2. Note/Mark them (14).
a. Result: No longer associate with them
b. Purpose: so they feel shame
3. Regard them as a sibling not an enemy (15).
4. Keep the goal in mind (16–18):
a. Peaceful Unity
b. Gracious Reconciliation
Discussion and Application Questions:
· Why does the instruction that Paul gives here concerning church discipline seem so foreign to us today?
· How do we obey Paul’s commands to keep away from the disobedient and disruptive (6) while still doing good to them (13) and regarding them as a sibling (15)?
· What does it mean to mark the disobedient (14)? Is this something to be done publicly or privately? (cf. Matt 18:15–18; 1 Cor. 5:1–13)?
· How can we shame someone biblically (14b)? What would be appropriate and inappropriate shaming?
· How do vv. 15–16 provide a proper balance to church discipline?
· From the message, is there something in your own commitment to Christ and His body that needs correction? What steps did you need to take to obey Him?