
April 19, 2020

Ascension and Mission

April 19, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Acts 1:6-11
Theme: Ascension and Mission

Q: What’s Next?
A: 1. Avoid distractions, especially theological ones.
2. Tell others what Jesus has done.
3. Get busy with the mission.

Main Idea: Jesus left us with the power to carry out a clearly defined and singularly focused mission.
Are you doing it?

Application Questions:
1. What are some ways that we can get spiritually distracted, even by things that aren’t wrong or maybe even biblical, from accomplishing the mission that Jesus has given us? Have you seen this tendency in your own life? How do you combat it? (1:6)

2. Given that we possess the power of the Holy Spirit and the commission of Jesus, why do we many times feel so powerless or fearful when opportunities present themselves to witness?

3. Commenting on Acts 1:8, Darrell Bock makes the statement “The church exists, in major part, to extend the apostolic witness to Jesus everywhere. In fact, the church does not have a mission, it is to be missional and is a mission (Acts, 66). What might this mean for missions today?

4. Share a way that God has convicted you to get busy with the mission (Acts 1:11).