
April 18, 2021

1 CORINTHIANS :: Gospel Stability

April 18, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • 1 Corinthians 15:58

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:58a
Title: Gospel Stability

Therefore, in light of Jesus’s victory over death through resurrection,

1. Say “No” to sin.
2. Stop trying to earn God’s favor by rule-following.
3. Remain loyal to Jesus.
a. We stand firm in the Gospel.
b. We remain fully committed to the Gospel.

Main Idea: In light of Jesus’ resurrection, we must order our lives exclusively and unflinchingly around Him.

Application Questions:
• If we know that the sting/deadly poison of death is sin, why do we struggle with sin so greatly? How can we say “No” to sin?
• How do you attempt to earn God’s favor by rule-following? In light of the previous point to reject sin, why would rule-keeping be wrong?
• What does “remaining loyal” to Jesus mean? How does this help us understand faith?

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