
January 17, 2021

COLOSSIANS :: Jesus Christ, the Embodiment of the Gospel

January 17, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Colossians 1:15–23

Passage: Colossians 1:15–23
Theme: Jesus Christ, the Embodiment of the Gospel

Main Idea: The gospel begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus Christ.

1. Jesus Christ is the supreme being in all creation (15–20).
a. He is the supreme Creator of all things in creation (15–16).
i. Jesus is the image of God (15a).
ii. Jesus created everything, all physical and spiritual realities (15b–16a).
iii. Jesus is the goal of all creation (16b)
b. He is the supreme Sustainer of all things (17).
i. Jesus eternally existed before anything else and thus ranks preeminent over everything.
ii. Jesus sustains all that he has created.
c. He is the supreme Beginning of the church (18–20).
i. Just as with creation, Jesus brought the church into existence and thus serves as its head.
ii. Jesus began the new creation by rising from the dead to demonstrate his supremacy over all.
iii. In Jesus, the fullness of deity dwelt to reconcile all things to and for him.

2. Jesus Christ has used his supreme position to reconcile you (21–22).
a. As sinners, we are alienated from God and enemies of his as demonstrated through our evil behavior (21).
b. Yet, Jesus through his death on the cross has reconciled us to himself to present us holy before himself (22).

Will you respond to this good news by continuing to believe, obey, and proclaim Jesus Christ (23)?

Application Questions:
• What emotional reactions do you have to this description of the person and work of Jesus? What things has this passage caused you to appreciate afresh about Jesus?
• How should the fact that Jesus is the supreme sustainer and goal of all creation affect the way that you look at our present circumstances in America today?
• What is reconciliation? In this passage, who initiates and accomplishes reconciliation? How does this differ from the typical understanding of reconciliation today? What might this mean for our treatment of others?
• If Jesus has accomplished all of this for us, what is Paul trying to get us to see in v. 23? How do we continue in the faith?

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