
June 18th 2017

The Belt of Truth

June 18, 2017 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Paul commands us to prepare for spiritual warfare and to stand in this fight with "the belt oftruth buckled around yourwaist." We will look at what the belt did for the soldier in Paul's day and how truth ties into this description. Truth represents what we believe, but it should also characterize how we speak.

More from This is War

August 6th 2017

August 6, 2017 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Summary: As we finish up our series on spiritual warfare, we encounter A powerful call to prayer. While not identified with a specific piece of armor, prayer proves to be an effective weapon in our spiritual battle. Paul even devotes more time to prayer than any of the other pieces of armor which demonstrates the importance of prayer for success against the enemy we face.

July 30th 2017

July 30, 2017 • Pastor Josh Kee

July 23rd 2017

July 23, 2017 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

As we continue looking at the pieces of spiritual armor that God has provided for us in our spiritual battle against the forces of evil, we will be taking a look at the helmet of salvation. The helmet protects from deadly strikes to the head. Paul calls us to take up the helmet of salvation and place it on our heads to protect us presently with the reality of who we are in Christ. We are delivered from the power of Satan and have the power of Christ available to us. Are we daily wearing the protection salvation brings?