
August 26, 2018

1 Peter 3: 1-7

August 26, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 1 Peter 3:1–7
Theme: Admonitions for Christian Wives and Husbands

1. Christian wives imitate Christ as they submit themselves to their husbands by doing what is right (3:1–6).

2. Christian husbands recognize their wives as co-heirs of God’s grace when they treat them with respect and honor (3:7).

Main Idea: God desires to use Christian wives and husbands to display his glory through the transformation that he brings to the marriage relationship.

Application Questions:
• Discuss what submission in marriage means for secular society today and why it has such negative connotations.
• According to this text, how should Christian wives carry out submission to their husbands? Does it matter whether or not the husband is a believer or not?
• How are we supposed to apply Peter’s teaching in vv. 3–4 today?
• What does it mean that husbands are to treat their wives with consideration and respect because they are the “weaker vessel”? How do we live this out and teach this without sounding misogynistic?
• What does it indicate that Peter does not provide specific examples of what this should look like for husbands and wives in their actual marriages?

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