
February 28, 2021

COLOSSIANS. :: Gospel Unity: Putting on the New Humanity

February 28, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Colossians 3:12–17

Message Title: Gospel Unity: Putting on the New Humanity
Passage: Colossians 3:12–17

Theme: Gospel unity requires that we act like who we truly are in Christ.

While vv. 5–11 presented actions to remove, vv. 12–17 indicate actions that we should be displaying:

1. Put on love (12–14).
a. Basis: God has chosen us, set us apart, and loved us (12a).
b. Specifics: mercifulness; benevolence; humbleness; gentleness; patience (12b)
c. How: Bear with each other; forgive like Christ (13).
d. Result: Unified and mature community of believers (14).

2. Express Thanks (15–17). How?
a. Submit to Christ’s work of peace (15).
b. Focus on the Gospel in communal worship (16).
c. Do everything as a personal act of worship for Jesus (17).

Main Idea: Gospel unity comes when believers love one another like Christ has loved them and thankfully worship him by submitting their lives to his rule.

Application Questions:
• Describe what Paul means by his description of believers at the beginning of v. 12: “God’s chosen people; holy; and dearly loved.” Do you find it easy or difficult to see yourself in this light? Explain.
• With which of the specifics of putting on love given in v. 12 do you struggle most?
• What does bearing with and forgiving one another look like in real life?
• How does Paul’s expression of thanks in vv. 15–17 differ from the practice of how we typically perceive and express thanks?
• What does this passage indicate to us about worship? (note: include vv. 15 and 17 in your response, not just v. 16)

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