
Prayer Service

January 2, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Luke 12:35–48

Luke 12:35–48: Readiness in Waiting—Reorienting our Lives to the Gospel
Point: The Gospel transforms our waiting as the people of God.

1. Wait with expectancy (12:35-36)
Prayer for Readiness and Perseverance

2. Wait with wonder (12:37-38)
Prayer for an Attitude of Service for Christ

3. Wait in the shadows (12:37-40)
Prayer for Faithfulness during both the ups and downs of life (those struggling through difficult and trying times for their faith)

4. Wait in submission (12:41-44)
Prayer for Wisdom to Do what Christ expects
Giving way to anxiety, worry, fear
Neglecting to seek first God’s kingdom
Renew Us

5. Wait with Focus (12:45-48)
Prayer for Transformation of our Desires and Motivations
Away from self-centeredness
Toward the need and care for others