
Silent Sunrise

A guide to Easter morning worship on your own

April 4, 2021

More from Easter 2021

Easter Sunday Service

April 4, 2021 • 1 Corinthians 15:12–19

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 Theme: Resurrection: All or Nothing Let’s take a look at the “All or Nothing” reality of resurrection: • Negatively, if there is no future resurrection of the dead, o Christ hasn’t been raised. o Preaching and believing the Gospel is empty. o Christian testimony lies about God. o Faith in Christ is useless. o Sin still reigns over us. o Believers who have died are eternally lost. o Everything about our existence has been a waste. • Positively, if Christ has been raised from the dead, o We will experience resurrection like him. o Believers experience life after death. o Sin has been defeated. o Faith in Christ powerfully transforms us. o We testify the truth about God’s work. o Preaching and believing is essential. o Our entire existence finds meaning in Christ. Main Idea: As believers, Christ’s resurrection must control every facet of our existence. Application Questions: • Why do people deny the resurrection? Why would a supposed believer deny the resurrection of the dead (v. 12)? What proof do vv. 1–11 provide for the resurrection? • Which of the negative corollaries stands out to you the most if there is no resurrection? Why so? • Since there are people who believe in God apart from belief in the resurrection of Jesus, how and why is faith completely empty and useless if Christ hasn’t been raised? • Is the main idea that “Christ’s resurrection must control every facet of our existence” too strong a statement? If not, what ramifications does that have for your life, and the decisions you are making, right now?

Good Friday

April 2, 2021