
Jesus & me

Mark 8:31- 9:1

June 14, 2020 • Pastor Seth

What was Jesus mission? Why did He come to earth? In Mark 8, now that they claim to know who He is. Jesus takes His disciples deeper, explaining what He came to do...
To suffer, be rejected,, killed, and rise again.
If you want to follow Jesus, there is a cost, but the cost of not following Him is far far far greater!
Being a disciple fo Christ means we elevate Jesus, put Him before us in all our priorities & therefore, practices. It involves denial of self, suffering like the cross & crucifixion, and really following JESUS. Doing what He does, going where He goes, hearing His voice above all else.
Are we constantly seeking to please mankind, and gain worldly approval, being let down, anxious, or depressed? Perhaps we have things upside down.
Seek Jesus, and all He is...and find peace!

A Story "To Believe or Not Believe, That is the question"

November 22, 2020 • Pastor Seth

The Gospel According to Jesus

November 15, 2020 • Pastor Forrest

"Out of the Darkness"

November 8, 2020 • Pastor Seth