Christ is expected to return. We do not know the time at which He will return, but we know He will. Since the day of Christ is coming, how should we be actively seeking the Lord?
Seek Him with the Shepherds
December 20, 2020 • Kyle Bartholic
Let’s put ourselves in Mary’s shoes. She has just traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, a two- week journey. This is not a journey she was unaccustomed to; it is the route she has traveled many times when they would come to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple. But, this time, she is nine months pregnant! When they arrived in Bethlehem, there were so many people that all of Joseph’s relatives had run out of space, and she had to give birth to Jesus in the sheep pen where the animals were kept. Some nine months ago, an angel came to her and to Joseph telling them all about God’s plans.
Honestly, those plans were overwhelming and scary. But, the joy she has felt along the way, and now he’s finally here. But, here isn’t what or where she expected. And to top it all off, they showed up. She must have thought there was some But And the shepherds returned, confusion at first, had they come to get the sheep from the pen? There were no sheep to be had. See, these shepherds weren’t exactly known to be upright citizens, and they aren’t who you would expect to show up first for the birth of the Savior. But, then they began telling her what had happened in the field that night, the angel, his instructions, and now here they are, and they have found the child! It should surprise her, but with everything she’s been through and how she has watched God work, it doesn’t. Instead, it fills her with joy.
Seek Him in the Virgin Birth
December 13, 2020 • David Staff
God sent His son into humanity miraculously as a stunning invitation for us to seek Him. This miracle—this entrance through a young virgin woman—is stunning invitation. It should arrest our attention. Bring us up short in our tracks; to get off the treadmill of Christmas chaos and listen to the Holy Spirit.
Seek the Messiah in God's Promises
December 6, 2020 • David Staff
Here’s an amazing thing. God longs for you to seek Him. He wants to be known even as He knows us. For us as a habit of life to engage in a humble, hungry pursuit of a greater relationship with http://god...which He knows will be life changing.