
James 2:9-13 (part 1)

July 2, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • James 2:9–13

If you have cracked open a Bible even once in your life, there is no secret that our world today is living completely contrary to how God designed it. Things that were once forbidden are becoming a cultural norm. Today, Pastor Ray is going to be talking about the standards that God has set for us. These things that God put into place for us have never changed, and they never will. Though the world may change, the Word of God never will, and it ensures us the best life imaginable. 

James 1:1-11 (part 1)

June 13, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • James 1

It’s hard to believe that someone would literally die for you, isn’t it? Well, Jesus did! And as Pastor Ray shares His death changed everything…not only for James but for you! When you put your faith in Christ and believe He died and rose from the grave you are changed! The Bible says you are a new creation at that moment! The old you is gone and your new life in Christ begins…for all eternity! So, if you haven’t accepted Christ as your lord and savior, today is the day to ask Him into your heart.

James 1:1-11 (part 2)

June 14, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • James 1

If you were trapped in a burning building, how would you feel about someone who gave their lives to rescue you? You surely would be extremely grateful and love that person for their sacrifice. Well as Pastor Ray shares, Jesus not only gave His life to save you from the “burning building” of your sin but He rose from the grave to give you hope and a future in Heaven. He even gave His life knowing that you could reject Him in spite of His sacrifice for your salvation…He loves you that much!

James 1:1-11 (part 3)

June 17, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • James 1

Every building must be built on a firm foundation. Because without it, it will not be able to stand when storms rage against it. The same can be said about your life. As Pastor Ray shares, the storms of life can be hard to weather when you are not resting on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. He redeemed you. His death has brought you life once and for all. So, no matter what life throws at you, you can always rest on His promise, His sacrifice, His peace, and His gift of salvation.