
Revelation 12:1-6 | The War in Heaven (part 1)

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Revelation 12:1–6

You and I are in a war whether we want to be or not and we need to accept and realize that, embrace it and lean into it, because the war is over you the war is over me and the war was over that person to your left and to your right who drove with you to church today who lives in the house with you friends, family, and relationships that is what the war is over. Now we have to ask ourselves what is worth fighting for, we have to ask ourselves are they worth fighting for because we're in this fight regardless how you feel about it. Although this is not a message on spiritual warfare as the classical approach often is we're going to study Revelation and we're going to see amazing details regarding the last days and why things are the way they are, and for the double blessing, we will see our adversary the devil and how to defeat him on this soil we live called earth.

Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

More from Revelation

Revelation 13:11-18 | The False Prophet

June 16, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Revelation 13:11–18

The Antichrist (our last study), gets the front and center attention; but what is often missed is the power of this man “The False Prophet”. He will be a charismatic “religious” leader, who will lead the way for the rise and power and worship of the Antichrist. In our study today we will look at “5 Powers” associated with him, and what they mean to our walk with the Lord today. Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

Revelation 13:11-18 | The False Prophet

June 16, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Revelation 13:11–18

The Antichrist (our last study), gets the front and center attention; but what is often missed is the power of this man “The False Prophet”. He will be a charismatic “religious” leader, who will lead the way for the rise and power and worship of the Antichrist. In our study today we will look at “5 Powers” associated with him, and what they mean to our walk with the Lord today. Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

Revelation 13:1-10 | The Antichrist

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Revelation 13:1–10

The Bible predicts that a political, charismatic world leader will come onto the world scene known in Scripture as “The Antichrist” (1 John), or “The Beast” (Rev), or “The Man of Sin” (2 Thess. 2).  He will unite the world under his influential leadership with a temporary peace plan, only to break it and demand that everyone worship him as God  In our study today we will look at “5 Powers” associated with him, and what they mean to our walk with the Lord today. Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas