
2 Timothy 4:1-8 | Why Preach the Word?

December 5, 2021 • Pastor Ray Bollas • 2 Timothy 4:1–8

Why Preach the Word?: In our passage today the speaks to Timothy, and us today, to “preach the word”. Why preach? Because it changes lives! For the hearer, and the declarer. Join us as God gives us another “power passage” of His very heart.

More from 2 Timothy

2 Timothy Study Notes (2021)

2 Timothy 1:1-7 | Preaching From The Position of Pain

October 10, 2021 • Pastor Ray Bollas • 2 Timothy 1:1–7

Most scholars agree this is Paul’s last letter/epistle he writes. He is in a brutal Roman prison, and unlike his last imprisonment, he knows that death is imminent, maybe just days away. Paul writes (preaches) from the position of pain, yet so interesting as we read the letter his pain is not directed at Rome or the Jews, but those close to him who have personally hurt him. He says to Timothy in verse 4 that he is mindful of Timothy’s tears and thus pain. Surely an epistle for all of us. Has someone close to you hurt you? Join us as we look at this passage, from the perspective of God who catches our tears and stores them in His bottle of remembrance (Psalms 56:8).

2 Timothy 1:1-6 | Paul’s Impenetrable Prison

October 17, 2021 • Pastor Ray Bollas • 2 Timothy 1:1–6

Paul’s Impenetrable Prison: Paul writes his last letter before his death from a brutal Roman prison. Everyone at some point feels imprisoned, bound by something beyond their control, yet as we study today, Paul is captive with love and joy. How could that be? We will see Paul built an impenetrable prison cell, where the enemy of his heart and mind could not reach, but only Jesus. Join us as we see how we can do the same when faced with painful circumstances outside of our control.