
Islamic Fundamentalist

December 16, 2017 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Ephesians 6:11–12

Well it seems that almost nightly we hear of some terrorist event happening somewhere in this world. Jihad, terrorism, in the name of Islam, Allah Akbar; what in the world is going on, why are there all these terror events, why is there all this killing, why is Iran like they are, who is ISIS, who is Hamas, who is Al Qaeda, who is Boko Harem, and why do they do what they do? Why is there this continual tension in the Middle East, why are we continually hearing about suicide bombers in Israel (to which I call them homicide bombers because they are really seeking to kill others not just themselves), why are there groups bent on destroying Israel, why would 19 men hijack 4 airplanes and fly them into 4 locations killing over 3,000 people who simply were about their daily lives? What in the world is going on, why are there all these terror events? In today’s study that is what we will dig into so when we watch and read the news, we can understand what is the basis and what is behind it.