
Hebrews 2:1-4 | Warning! Don’t Drift Away

March 6, 2022 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Hebrews 2:1–4

Warning! Don’t Drift Away: In the Book of Hebrews are 6 Warnings given to “believers”. The first warning, in our passage today, is to not “drift away”. The person who says I can skip this warning, this Bible study, because I would never drift away, I am too anchored, too solid in my faith; is the person who needs this study the most, and of course every one of us need to hear this warning – why? Because drifting happens ever so slowly and unnoticed, else we would have seen it coming and made a course correction well in advance before shipwreck happened. No one is immune to drifting, hence why the Lord in His love gives us a warning, maybe for some today, a look out shout.

Calvary Chapel Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

More from Hebrews

Hebrews Study Notes (2022)

Hebrews 1:1-3 | The Seven Characteristics of Christ

February 20, 2022 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Hebrews 1:1–3

This book is addressed to Hebrew Believers, who were being pulled back into Judaism. Pulled back into traditions, into the temple and sacrificial system. They were being pulled back into religion and rituals, and were losing focus on all that Jesus had done. This book is about the superiority of Christ. He is the supreme God who demonstrated He is worthy to be praised and to be Lord of our life. The Epistle to the Hebrews exalts the person and the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. The first three verses set this high and holy theme which is maintained throughout the entire book. Calvary Chapel Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

Hebrews 1:4-14 | Christ is Superior to the Angels

February 27, 2022 • Pastor Ray Bollas • Hebrews 1:4–14

Christ is Superior to the Angels: Why does this study matter? For most would agree, of course Jesus is superior to the angels. But there is more here than just the direct statement that Jesus is superior to the angels. It also is that Jesus is superior to any intercessor. We have religions around the world today that man feels that they cannot come into the presence of the Lord because they're unworthy, and so they come via another man. They come via a woman named Mary. They come via angels, such as praying to Gabriel. In all of these things and even strong believers can find themselves being brought back into a false humility by saying, "I'm not worthy to come into the presence of the Lord, therefore, I will come in through a mediator," and the deception and the diminishing of it is Jesus Christ is superior to all intercessors. He is the intercessor and mediator, and therefore, to come any other way can only come in a way that is diminishing and sometimes even destroying. That's why a study today of Jesus' superior to the angels is so vital for each and every one of us and the people that we will love and witness to around us.