「一個我沒有活過的生命,一個我沒有死過的死;是另一個人的生命,是另一個人的死── 我把我的永恆全獻給祂。」賈艾梅出生於北愛爾蘭米利數的小村莊,來自一個小康的基督徒家庭。她的父親和叔父經營麵粉廠,除了促進當地經濟外,也奉獻部分收入為村莊建設學校和提供福音聚會。她在這樣虔誠的環境中成長,塑造了她日後熱衷於奉獻和宣教的生命。 賈艾梅年輕時性格活潑叛逆,但在十三歲時聽到詩歌〈耶穌愛我〉後,深受神的愛吸引,生命從此轉變。她開始積極投入信仰生活,並肩負起家庭的責任。十八歲時,父親過世,家中經濟陷入困境,她帶著家人搬到貝爾法斯特,並在當地向工廠女工傳福音,建立了名為「歡迎廳」的聚會場所。 賈艾梅的宣教旅程從凱錫克培靈大會啟發,雖然未能加入中國內地會,但她最終來到印度杜那瓦,開展她拯救當地女孩的事工。她成立了杜那瓦團契,救助被迫賣到廟宇的女孩,並透過提供教育和福音,幫助她們脫離不人道的對待。在賈艾梅的努力下,印度於1947年立法禁止這類買賣行為,然而,這樣的買賣行為依然持續發生,故杜那瓦團契至今仍舊持續努力拯救孩童的工作。 Amy Carmichael's life was a powerful example of selfless devotion and sacrificial love. Born in Ireland in 1867, she dedicated over 55 years of her life to missionary work in India, rescuing children from temple prostitution and providing them a safe haven through the Dohnavur Fellowship. Her work was driven by her deep Christian faith and her desire to show Christ’s love through action. Despite health challenges and hardships, she remained in India without furlough, giving her life entirely to the service of others. In 1931, Amy suffered a serious fall that left her bedridden for the remaining 20 years of her life. Even in her physical weakness, she continued to serve by writing prolifically, producing over 35 books, including devotionals, letters, and poems that continue to inspire Christians around the world. One of her most profound quotes reflects the heart of her mission: "If I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love." Her life and writings emphasize humility, service, and a deep faith rooted in loving others, leaving a lasting legacy that inspires selfless devotion to this day.
“我認為,做那些應該做但如果不是我去做就不會被做的事,是我的責任。” 馬禮遜(Robert Morrison,1782年1月5日-1834年8月1日)是英格蘭出生的蘇格蘭傳教士,也是第一位來華的基督新教傳教士。1807年,他受倫敦傳道會派遣抵達廣州,並在英國東印度公司任職25年。馬禮遜在文化交流方面做了大量貢獻,包括翻譯並出版了《聖經》的中文全文,獨自編纂了中國第一部《華英字典》,以及創作了《中國一覽》和《廣東省土語字彙》等重要作品。他也為中國第一位基督教徒蔡高施洗,並按立了第一名華人牧師梁發。此外,馬禮遜還與其他傳教士創辦了英華書院及出版了多部中文報刊,對中西文化交流具有重要影響。 馬禮遜於1782年出生在英國諾森伯蘭郡。他在22歲時加入倫敦傳道會,並於1807年啟程前往中國,最初因東印度公司拒載而經紐約轉船。在到達廣州後,他因無法進入中國內地而在當地隱居,苦學中文。最初面對艱難的環境,但隨著時間的推移,他的中文進步顯著,並開始在1812年編寫《中文文法》。他於1814年成功為蔡科施洗,成為中國第一位基督教徒。馬禮遜於1818年創辦英華書院,並在1823年按立梁發為第一位華人基督教牧師,進一步推動基督教在中國的發展。 馬禮遜的翻譯工作也非常重要,他於1810年開始翻譯《新約》,並在1813年完成。最終,他在1823年出版了合併的新舊約聖經,這是中國本土出版的第一本中文聖經。除了翻譯工作外,他還於1815年出版了面向華人的中文報紙《察世俗每月統記傳》,介紹西方科學與基督教教義。此外,他也兼任廣州商館的中文翻譯,為19世紀的英國中文教學奠定了基礎。馬禮遜在1834年去世,並被葬於澳門的基督教墳場。 Robert Morrison was a pioneering Christian missionary and linguist who became the first Protestant missionary to China. Born in 1782 in Scotland, Morrison felt a strong call to serve as a missionary in a country where the gospel was largely unknown. Sent by the London Missionary Society to China in 1807, he dedicated his life to the mission despite the dangers and cultural isolation he faced as a foreigner in a country hostile to Christianity. One of his greatest accomplishments was translating the Bible into Chinese, a task that took over 12 years to complete. This monumental work, along with his creation of a Chinese-English dictionary, significantly advanced cross-cultural communication and laid the foundation for future missionaries. Morrison’s journey was marked by immense personal sacrifice. He was often separated from his family due to the hostile political climate, suffered from illnesses, and lived in isolation. After seven years of labor, he baptized his first convert, a testament to his perseverance. One of his most famous moments occurred when a shipowner sarcastically asked, "And so, Mr. Morrison, you really expect to make an impression on the idolatry of the great Chinese Empire?" Morrison replied, "No, sir, but I expect God will." Despite these hardships, Morrison’s faith never wavered. He died in 1834 from tuberculosis after 27 years of service, having opened the door for future generations of missionaries through his lifelong commitment to spreading the gospel.
“When an opponent supports his argument with physical force the Chinese can be crouching, gentle, and even kind." 郭實獵(1803年7月8日—1851年8月9日),是普魯士新教傳教士、醫生、探險家和翻譯家。他於1826年被派往南洋爪哇傳教,精通多種漢語方言,包括閩語、粵語、潮州語和客家語。在中國沿海城市進行佈道時,郭實獵融入當地文化,穿著華服並蓄假辮。作為羅存德的同工,他在廣州創辦了近代第一份漢字期刊,並逐漸取代馬禮遜成為英國駐華商務監督的翻譯。郭實獵在第一次鴉片戰爭期間擔任英軍的翻譯和參謀,並參與《南京條約》的談判,因其角色後來受到非議。 郭實獵出生於波美拉尼亞的裁縫家庭,少年時期便學習多種語言。1823年他進入荷蘭教會學習,1826年被按立為牧師,隨後前往荷屬東印度。在1831年,他首次來到中國並開始傳教和行醫。郭實獵還於1833年創辦了中國第一份中文近代報刊——《東西洋每月統記傳》。在1840年鴉片戰爭中,他協助英軍進行翻譯和治理工作,並在任內留下了深刻印象。1843年,他成為香港首任總督的中文秘書,並成立了多個傳教組織,推動基督教在中國的發展。 郭實獵於1851年在香港去世,其名下有多處紀念地點,如香港中環的吉士笠街和上海外灘信號台。他參與了聖經翻譯的修訂工作,對傳播近代科技文化作出了重要貢獻。他創辦的《東西洋考每月統記傳》被認為是近代中國最早出版的中文期刊,對中國的文化和知識傳播起到了開創性的作用。 Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff was a 19th-century German missionary and one of the earliest Protestant missionaries to China. Known for his linguistic skills, Gützlaff translated parts of the Bible into various Chinese dialects, aiming to make the gospel accessible to the local population. Despite facing resistance from Chinese authorities, local distrust, and harsh conditions during his coastal missionary expeditions, he remained committed to spreading Christianity. Gützlaff also faced personal tragedies, including the loss of two wives and several children, and criticism for his methods. Undeterred by these challenges, Gützlaff's passion for evangelism inspired future missionaries like Hudson Taylor, who would later establish the China Inland Mission. Reflecting on his dedication, Gützlaff once said, “A Christian should never despair, for the ways of God are wonderful, and He brings His plans to pass by means of the most unlikely instruments.” He died in 1851, leaving behind a legacy of linguistic contributions and pioneering missionary work in China.
“God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure. ” 李愛銳(1902–1945)是蘇格蘭運動員和基督教傳教士,因為是首位在中國出生的奧運金牌得主而聞名。李愛銳出生於天津,父母是英國傳教士。他在六歲時返回英國就讀寄宿學校,展現了傑出的運動天賦,尤其是在短跑領域。他後來進入愛丁堡大學,成為橄欖球和田徑運動的明星運動員。 李愛銳在1924年巴黎奧運會上因堅持信仰而聞名。他因為比賽日是星期日而拒絕參加100米比賽,轉而專注於400米項目。經過幾週的刻苦訓練,李愛銳最終出人意料地奪得400米金牌,並在200米比賽中獲得銅牌。他的故事成為堅守信仰與毅力的象徵。 奧運會之後,李愛銳於1925年回到中國,追隨父親的腳步成為傳教士。他在天津的一所教會學校教授化學和體育,並積極參與體育設施的建設,如改建民園體育場。他雖然是世界級運動員,但始終將自己的精力投入到傳教和教育工作中。 在中日戰爭全面爆發後,李愛銳選擇留在中國,並在河北的貧困農村服務。1943年,他被日軍俘虜,囚禁於山東濰坊的集中營。即使身處逆境,李愛銳依然保持樂觀,幫助營內其他人,甚至將釋放的機會讓給他人。他最終因營養不良和過度勞動患上腦瘤,並於1945年在集中營中逝世,留下了無私奉獻和信仰堅守的永恆遺產。 Eric Liddell was a Scottish athlete and Christian missionary known for his strong faith and sportsmanship. He gained fame as a sprinter and won a gold medal in the 400-meter race at the 1924 Paris Olympics, despite refusing to compete in his best event, the 100 meters, because it was held on a Sunday, which he considered a day of worship. His decision, rooted in his deep commitment to his Christian beliefs, made him a symbol of faith over personal glory. After his athletic career, Liddell became a missionary in China, dedicating his life to serving others. He continued his work through difficult times, including the Japanese occupation during World War II. Liddell was eventually interned in a prison camp, where he remained a source of hope and encouragement to others until his death in 1945. His life of sacrifice, humility, and faith has inspired many and is captured in the film Chariots of Fire, which highlights his Olympic achievements and unwavering commitment to his beliefs.
“永遠不要以為你能靠自己的力量或能力活在神面前;而是要時刻仰望並依靠祂的幫助,甚至所有的力量和恩典都應來自於祂.” 大衛·布雷納德於1718年4月20日出生於康涅狄格州哈達姆,父親赫西基亞·布雷納德是一名康涅狄格州立法者,母親是多蘿西·霍巴特。他是家中十個孩子中的一員,其中一位是母親前一段婚姻的子女。布雷納德的童年經歷了悲痛,他在9歲時成為孤兒,父親於1727年逝世,享年46歲,母親則於五年後去世,這對他的生活產生了重大影響。 母親去世後,布雷納德搬到東哈達姆,與他的一位年長姐姐潔魯莎同住。19歲時,他繼承了一片位於德罕的農地,但一年後他決定回到東哈達姆,開始為進入耶魯大學做準備。1739年7月12日,布雷納德記錄了一次「無法形容的榮耀」的經歷,這次經歷激發了他「真心渴望尊崇上帝,將祂放在王座上,並首先尋求祂的國度」。許多福音派學者將這次經歷解釋為他的轉變時刻,標誌著他信仰生命的開始。 兩個月後,他進入耶魯大學攻讀神學,準備未來成為牧師。然而,他在第二年染上了結核病,這種疾病導致他咳血,並迫使他暫時回家休養。1740年11月,他重返耶魯大學,正值學生間因訪問傳道士如喬治·懷特腓爾德、吉爾伯特·特南特和詹姆斯·達文波特等人引發的屬靈熱潮而與教師們的緊張局勢加劇。布雷納德因對教師的批評言論而被開除。 根據當時康涅狄格州的一項新法律,只有畢業於哈佛、耶魯或歐洲大學的人才有資格被任命為牧師,因此布雷納德不得不重新考慮他的計劃。1742年,布雷納德得到「新光派」福音派團體的傳道授權,並受到新澤西州著名長老會領袖喬納森·狄金森的關注。儘管狄金森試圖幫助他重返耶魯,但未能成功,於是建議布雷納德投身於向印第安人傳教的工作,並由蘇格蘭傳道知識推廣協會提供支持。1742年11月25日,布雷納德正式獲批成為印第安人的傳教士。 1743年4月1日,布雷納德開始了他的第一個傳教任務,前往紐約州附近的莫希干印第安人定居點——考納米克。他在那裡工作了一年,隨後被重新分配到賓夕法尼亞州的特拉華印第安人部落。期間,他被紐瓦克長老會按立為牧師,並於1744年轉往新澤西州的克羅斯威克松工作。不到一年,當地的印第安人教會已有130名成員,並於1746年遷至克蘭伯里,建立了一個基督徒社區。 儘管多次獲邀擔任教會牧師,布雷納德始終選擇留在傳教領域,致力於印第安人的福音事工。他在日記中寫道:「除了傳福音,我再無自由;除了轉變外邦人,我再無希望;上帝不允許我以世上的舒適或回歸友人為樂。」布雷納德堅定的信仰和對使命的承諾,使他繼續這一艱辛的工作,直到他最終因疾病而不得不停止。 1746年11月,布雷納德因健康惡化無法繼續工作,搬到了喬納森·狄金森的家中療養,後來又搬到了馬薩諸塞州北安普頓的喬納森·愛德華茲家中。1747年5月,他被診斷為結核病晚期,並在同年10月9日去世,年僅29歲。終其一生,布雷納德持續忍受病痛、孤獨和食物短缺,但他在印第安人中的福音工作為後世留下了深遠的影響。 布雷納德去世後,他的弟弟約翰·布雷納德繼續從事印第安人傳教工作。而布雷納德的影響力也因愛德華茲為他撰寫的傳記《大衛·布雷納德牧師的生平記述》而廣泛傳播,並激勵了許多後來的宣教士,如威廉·凱里、亨利·馬丁和亞多尼拉·賈德森等。 David Brainerd was a passionate Christian missionary in the 18th century, known for his dedication to evangelizing Native American tribes in the northeastern United States. Born in 1718, Brainerd felt called to missionary work at a young age, despite facing numerous personal struggles, including severe health issues and bouts of depression. He was expelled from Yale for a theological disagreement, yet he remained committed to his calling, eventually becoming a missionary under the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge. Brainerd traveled through harsh wilderness, enduring extreme weather, isolation, and physical hardship to preach the gospel to various Native American tribes. His tireless efforts, often at the expense of his own health, led to several conversions, most notably among the Delaware and Susquehannock tribes. He spent much of his time in prayer and fasting, pouring out his heart for the salvation of the people he served. Brainerd's sacrifices were immense. He suffered from tuberculosis, a disease that gradually consumed him, but he continued his work despite his weakening condition. His deep love for God and commitment to his missionary work drove him to push forward, even as his health deteriorated. After years of illness, Brainerd died at the age of 29 in 1747. David Brainerd’s life, though short, left a profound impact on Christian missions. His sacrifices—foregoing comfort, enduring physical pain, and ultimately giving his life—serve as a powerful example of unwavering faith and devotion to the cause of spreading the gospel. His legacy continues to inspire missionaries and Christians around the world.
「假設我有千磅英金,中國可以全數支取;假使我有千條性命,決不留下一條不給中國。不,不是中國,是基督。我們豈能為祂做太多?我們能為這寶貴救主做再多嗎?」 戴德生出生於英國約克郡巴恩斯利的一個基督徒家庭,父親戴雅各是一名藥劑師,母親賀美亞也是虔誠的基督徒。儘管家境信仰深厚,戴德生年少時曾背離基督教,甚至對信仰產生懷疑。直到17歲時,他讀到一本宣教小冊子後,深受感動,重新歸信基督教,並決心奉獻自己成為傳教士。1849年12月,他立志要前往中國傳教,這一決定成為他日後偉大宣教事業的起點。 為了更好地準備自己,戴德生積極學習多種語言,包括中文、希臘文、希伯來文和拉丁文。同時,他接觸到當時的普利茅斯弟兄會,從中學習到了「信心傳教原則」,即完全依靠神的供應來進行傳教工作,而不向外界募款或尋求財務支持。這一原則成為他以後在中國傳教的重要理念之一。 1851年,戴德生搬到英國赫爾的一個貧民區,擔任一位醫生的助手,這段經歷不僅磨練了他在艱苦環境下的生活能力,還讓他在貧窮社區中學會如何傳福音。他也繼續與弟兄會保持聯繫,並通過深入閱讀有關中國的書籍,對中國的狀況和文化有了更深入的了解。 1853年,年僅21歲的戴德生受中國傳教會派遣,首次前往中國,並於次年抵達上海。當時正值太平天國起義,他目睹了戰爭的殘酷和人性的愚昧。儘管他已經做好了心理準備面對困難,但親身經歷戰爭的危險讓他深感震撼。在這段期間,他逐步適應當地生活,學習中文並嘗試傳教。然而,他很快發現,當他穿著西式服裝在街頭講道時,很多中國人對他的福音小冊子毫無興趣,反而只關注他的外表。 意識到這樣的傳教方式效果有限,戴德生做出了一個大膽的決定:改穿中國傳統服飾,並蓄起辮子,以示對中國文化的尊重。他還改變了飲食習慣,開始吃中國飯,以更好地融入當地社會,消除與當地人之間的文化隔閡。這一舉動在當時外國人的圈子裡引起了不少的爭議,但戴德生堅持認為這是與中國人建立信任的關鍵。 1855年,戴德生在上海遇到了蘇格蘭宣教士賓惠霖,兩人迅速建立了深厚的友誼。賓惠霖是著名的佈道家,經驗豐富,對中國的傳教工作有深刻的見解。兩人經常一起出外傳福音,並嘗試將醫療與傳教相結合,這使他們的宣教工作更具成效。然而,隨著時間推移,兩人面臨的困難逐漸增加。傳教物資被燒毀,當地政府對傳教士的活動也有所限制,這讓他們的工作一度陷入困境。 1857年,戴德生接受了英國慈善家喬治·慕勒的資助,前往浙江寧波,並在那裡建立了「寧波差會」。此時,他已經在中國傳教幾年,逐漸積累了經驗,並在當地建立了自己的宣教基地。1858年,他與21歲的戴馬利亞結婚,兩人一起投身於中國的傳教事業。然而不久後,戴德生的健康出現問題,不得不於1860年返回英國休養。 在英國的這段時間,戴德生並沒有放棄他對中國的使命。他一方面休息並繼續醫學學習,另一方面他也在不斷思考和禱告,反思中國傳教的策略和方向。1865年,他在英格蘭布萊頓度假時,再次受到感召,決定成立一個專門前往中國內地的傳教組織,這就是後來著名的中國內地會。同年,他發表了小冊子《中國屬靈需要的呼聲》,呼籲更多的宣教士加入中國內地傳教的行列。 1866年,戴德生帶領第一批16名宣教士,乘坐蘭茂爾號帆船再次前往中國,開創了中國內地會的歷史。內地會的宣教工作迅速擴展,從浙江杭州為基地,逐步向中國內地其他省份擴展,內地會也成為日後中國傳教運動中的重要力量。 在隨後的幾十年中,戴德生不斷擴展內地會的工作,並成功吸引了數百名來自英國、美國和北歐的宣教士加入。到他去世時,內地會的宣教士數量已達828名,福音也傳遍了中國18個省份。戴德生的「信心原則」對後世的傳教士和福音派教會影響深遠,他的工作奠定了中國基督教會的基礎,成為全球宣教史上一個重要的里程碑。 James Hudson Taylor was a British missionary and the founder of the China Inland Mission (CIM), now known as OMF International. Born in 1832, Taylor dedicated his life to spreading the gospel in China, a country that was largely closed to foreign missionaries at the time. Taylor's approach to missions was revolutionary. He adopted Chinese dress and customs to integrate more fully into the culture, believing that this would allow him to connect better with the local people. His deep commitment to sharing the Gospel led him to travel extensively throughout China, often in difficult conditions. Taylor faced numerous hardships, including financial struggles, health issues, and the loss of loved ones. Despite these challenges, he remained steadfast in his mission, believing that his sacrifices were worth it for the sake of saving souls. He believed that through personal sacrifice and a genuine love for the Chinese people, he could demonstrate the message of Christ. His work laid the foundation for a vast network of missionaries in China, and he played a significant role in training many of them. By the time of his death in 1905, Taylor had seen thousands of Chinese converts, and his legacy continued to influence Christian missions long after. This quote displayed his life commitment to the gospel, “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”
「我的信心本身不能成就任何事情,唯有主耶穌自己要親自顯出祂的作為和能力⋯⋯終於在這光禿禿的荒原上,祂為我們擺設了豐盛的筵席。」 安妮在完成護士培訓後,曾在奧斯陸的烏勒沃爾醫院 (Ullevål Hospital) 和阿斯克的一家精神病院迪克馬克 (Dikemark) 工作。27歲時,她加入了挪威傳教聯會 (Det Norske Misjonsforbund),開始她的傳教生涯。 1938年12月23日,安妮抵達中國北方的陝西省,開始她的傳教工作。在那裡,她度過了整個抗日戰爭和隨後的國共內戰。她身高190厘米,對當地中國人來說,這樣的身高極為罕見,她經常是當地人見過的最高的女性。然而,1949年國共內戰結束後,國民黨的失敗使得外國傳教士無法繼續留在中國,安妮於1951年被迫離開。 1952年,她前往香港,開始協調對中國難民的救援工作。次年,她與來自蘇格蘭的宣教士海倫·威爾遜 (Helen Wilson) 共同創立了一家肺結核療養院,專門為長期患病且無法自理的老年人提供服務。2013年,這家療養院——「靈實醫院」(Haven of Hope Hospital) 慶祝成立60週年,這家機構一直是香港為老年慢性病患者提供社區服務的重要場所。 安妮在挪威的事蹟通過電視節目《這是你的生活》(Dette er ditt liv) 被廣泛傳播,並使她成為挪威的國民英雄。1963年,她被授予聖奧拉夫一級騎士勳章 (First Class Knight of St. Olav),以表彰她的貢獻。1966年6月25日,她與瑞達·貝恩森(Reidar Berntsen) 結婚,婚後繼續在香港的靈實醫院和基督教會進行她的宣教工作,直至1978年退休。 1975年12月29日,《時代》雜誌的封面故事將她列為世界「在世聖人」之一,與她同列的還包括德蘭修女 (Mother Teresa)、賽爾瑪修女 (Schwester Selma)、赫爾德·卡馬拉 (Hélder Câmara) 和瑪塔·艾爾·梅斯金 (Matta El Meskeen)。 Annie Skau Berntsen was a notable Norwegian missionary known for her impactful work in China during the early 20th century. Born in 1872, she became part of the China Inland Mission, where she dedicated her life to spreading the gospel and serving the local communities. Trained as a nurse, Annie's mission was marked by her commitment to education and healthcare. She focused on empowering women and children, recognizing the importance of nurturing future generations. Her work often involved teaching, providing medical care, and addressing social issues. Throughout her time in China, she faced numerous challenges, including cultural barriers and the tumultuous political climate of the time. There were many times when her life was in danger and she did not know if she should live the next minute. Yet she was happy in her faith and described her faith as an island of peace in the maelstrom of hatred and destruction. Despite these hardships, her perseverance and faith drove her to make a lasting difference in the lives of many. Annie Skau Berntsen's legacy continues to inspire those involved in missionary work and social service, illustrating the profound impact that dedicated individuals can have on communities in need. This is what she said at the end of her life in 1922, “The most magnificent thing that can happen to me is to be allowed to serve Him day and night in His temple. Nothing in the world is as glorious as serving the Lord Jesus Christ!”
「請為我代禱,叫我不要因任何沉重的試煉而與榮耀的事奉遠離。」 羅伯特·傑梅恩·托馬斯 (約1840年9月17日-1866年8月31日失蹤) 是一位威爾士新教傳教士,隸屬於倫敦傳道會,曾在晚清時期的中國和朝鮮傳教。在中國傳教期間,托馬斯對朝鮮人民產生了強烈的傳教願望,儘管當時朝鮮因擔心外國影響而對外國人封閉。1865年,托馬斯首次前往朝鮮沿海,成為繼卡爾·古茲拉夫之後,第二位記錄在案的新教傳教士。在兩個半月的逗留期間,托馬斯分發了中文的新約聖經和傳單,因為當時還沒有朝鮮語版本。 1866年,托馬斯加入美國武裝貿易船「謝爾曼將軍號」,擔任翻譯,目的是與朝鮮建立貿易並傳播福音。船隻沿著大同江航行,托馬斯向岸邊分發福音傳單。然而,船員綁架了一位朝鮮官員,導致局勢惡化,最終與朝鮮當局發生了暴力衝突。1866年8月31日,「謝爾曼將軍號」擱淺,遭到朝鮮軍隊攻擊,托馬斯在戰鬥中喪生。關於他死亡的細節眾說紛紜,有報導稱他在被處決前試圖將一本聖經遞給行刑者。 儘管托馬斯的結局悲慘,但他留下了深遠的遺產。他分發的一些聖經後來被發現並用來做朝鮮官員家中的壁紙,當地人因此能夠閱讀福音內容。這有助於基督教在朝鮮的傳播,15年內,平壤成為基督教中心,擁有超過100座教堂。今天,托馬斯因為對朝鮮基督教發展的重大貢獻而被人們銘記。 Robert Jermain Thomas was a Welsh missionary known for his courageous and sacrificial efforts to spread Christianity in East Asia, particularly in Korea. Born in 1839, he first served as a missionary in China but developed a deep passion for bringing the gospel to Korea, which was largely closed off to foreign influence at the time. Despite the significant risks, Thomas made two attempts to enter Korea, carrying Bibles and Christian literature. On his second attempt in 1866, while aboard the American ship General Sherman, the vessel was attacked by Korean forces. As the ship was set ablaze and his life was in danger, Thomas continued to distribute Bibles, reportedly offering them to his executioners with the words, "Jesus, Jesus." He was eventually martyred, but his sacrifice planted the seeds of Christianity in Korea. The Bibles he gave out were preserved by locals, some of whom became early converts to Christianity. Thomas’s legacy lives on as an early catalyst for the spread of Christianity in Korea, a country that now has a significant Christian population.
「願主使我的道路繁榮,不是讓我獲得崇高的地位,而是讓我的生命可以展示認識上帝的價值。」 吉姆·艾略特出生於美國俄勒岡州波特蘭,父母是弗雷德和克拉拉,兩人皆是虔誠的基督徒,經常帶孩子們參加教會活動和閱讀聖經,並鼓勵孩子們「為基督而活」。艾略特在高中時表現出色,擅長公共演講,但拒絕參加學校的舞會和政治活動,因為他認為基督徒不應該參與其中。 1945年,艾略特進入惠頓學院,他更加確立了自己對傳教的熱情。他主修希臘語,認為這將有助於翻譯聖經,並且與同學伊莉莎白·霍華德建立了浪漫關係。艾略特決心不依靠募捐,而是通過信仰來支持傳教工作。 1952年,艾略特和皮特·弗萊明抵達厄瓜多,並開始向當地的瓦歐達尼印第安人傳福音。1953年,艾略特與伊莉莎白結婚,並於1955年生下女兒。艾略特和其他四位傳教士後來與瓦歐達尼人接觸,儘管初期的接觸看似友好,但最終他們在1956年1月8日被瓦歐達尼勇士殺害。艾略特的犧牲促使基督教信仰在當地和全球的傳播。 Jim Elliot was a missionary who exemplified extraordinary sacrifice in his pursuit to bring the gospel to unreached people. Alongside four other missionaries, he ventured into the Ecuadorian jungle to reach the Huaorani tribe, a group known for their isolation and hostility toward outsiders. Despite the dangers, Jim and his team were driven by a deep conviction to share the message of salvation. His famous words, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose,” summed up his unwavering commitment to spiritual service, even at the cost of his own life. In January 1956, Jim and his companions were martyred by the very people they sought to reach, laying down their lives in the hope of winning souls for Christ. Elliot’s sacrifice became a powerful symbol of faith, courage, and dedication to the mission of spreading the gospel. His death, though tragic, had a profound ripple effect, inspiring countless others to take up the call to missionary work. Jim’s widow, Elisabeth Elliot, and other surviving family members later returned to the Huaorani people, ultimately leading to the conversion of many within the tribe. Jim's legacy continues to remind Christians of the ultimate price one can pay in the service of God's kingdom, echoing Christ's call to "take up your cross and follow me." His life and sacrifice remain a testament to the power of love, forgiveness, and unwavering faith in God's plan for the salvation of all people.
“Only those who are prepared to die are really prepared to live.” Nelson Bell出生於弗吉尼亞州Longdale,父母是Ruth Lee 和James Harvey Bell。他與妻子Virginia Myers 一起從1916年到1941年,作為美國南方長老會的醫療傳教士在中國工作。他們居住在江蘇省清江浦的愛心醫院,並有五個孩子:Rosa、Ruth、Lemuel、Virginia和Clayton。 在中國期間,Bell擔任醫院的外科主任和行政主管,工作繁忙。儘管醫院有牧師,Bell仍然優先關心患者的靈魂,向他們溫和地解釋福音。他強調不僅要治療患者的身體,還要關注他們的精神需求。 1941年珍珠港事件前,Bell一家返回美國,並在北卡羅來納州Montreat定居,與他們的女兒Ruth和女婿Billy Graham為鄰。1942年,Bell創辦了《南方長老會期刊》,支持保守的長老會主義,但該刊物也擁護種族隔離,稱其為基督教的善舉,認為隔離對非裔美國人是慈愛的行為。 Bell在期刊的影響下,後來催生了《God's World News》兒童雜誌和1986年的《WORLD》成人雜誌。此外,Bell也建議Billy Graham創立了《Christianity Today》雜誌,並擔任該雜誌的執行主編。他與女婿積極動員福音派支持理查德·尼克松,反對羅馬天主教的約翰·F·甘迺迪在1960年競選總統。 Nelson Bell, a dedicated Christian missionary and medical doctor, devoted his life to serving others and spreading the gospel. He spent over two decades in China, where he ran a medical clinic, providing healthcare to thousands of people. Despite the personal sacrifices, such as leaving behind the comforts of his home country, enduring difficult living conditions, and facing the dangers of war and political upheaval, Bell remained steadfast in his mission to help others and share his faith. One of the greatest trials of his time in China was the loss of his first son, whom he buried there, a heart-wrenching sacrifice that deepened his reliance on God’s strength. Reflecting on his faith, Bell often said, "I am often overwhelmed with the goodness of our Father, how He will do through us if we but let Him." He believed deeply in the importance of being led by God, even when difficult, often noting that "the hard thing is being willing to be led by Him." One of Bell's other significant sacrifices was being separated from his children, who were sent back to the United States for schooling. In addition to his mission work, Nelson Bell became the father-in-law of renowned evangelist Billy Graham when his daughter Ruth married Graham. Bell's influence on his family, including his strong Christian faith and dedication to service, shaped future generations of ministry. After returning to the U.S., Bell continued to promote Christian values, playing a key role in founding Christianity Today magazine. His life, marked by humility, compassion, and a strong sense of duty, was dedicated to saving souls and advancing his faith through unwavering trust in God.