
Saved Membership

Membership has Privileges but also Prerequisites

June 23, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

B - Bible Authority
A - Autonomy of the Local Church
P - Priesthood of the Believer
T - Two Ordinances
I - Individual Soul Liberty
**S - Saved Church Membership**
T - Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon

We Are Baptist, Epilogue

July 29, 2020 • Bro. Matthew Morales

Separation of Church and State

July 22, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

B - Bible Authority A - Autonomy of the Local Church P - Priesthood of the Believer T - Two Ordinances I - Individual Soul Liberty S - Saved Church Membership T - Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon **S - Separation of Church and State**

Two Offices, Pt. 2

July 15, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

B - Bible Authority A - Autonomy of the Local Church P - Priesthood of the Believer T - Two Ordinances I - Individual Soul Liberty S - Saved Church Membership **T - Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon**