
Two Ordinances

Believer's Baptism and The Lord's Supper

June 10, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

B - Bible Authority
A - Autonomy of the Local Church
P - Priesthood of the Believer
T - Two Ordinances
I - Individual Soul Liberty
S - Saved Church Membership
T - Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon

Believer's Baptism - Water immersion of a born-again believer by the authority of a New Testament Church, picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, whereby the candidate testifies he is walking in newness of the Christian life.

The Lord's Supper - Administered by Local New Testament churches to their members, commemorating (remembering) the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ. (Do this in remembrance of me!)

We Are Baptist, Epilogue

July 29, 2020 • Bro. Matthew Morales

Separation of Church and State

July 22, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

B - Bible Authority A - Autonomy of the Local Church P - Priesthood of the Believer T - Two Ordinances I - Individual Soul Liberty S - Saved Church Membership T - Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon **S - Separation of Church and State**

Two Offices, Pt. 2

July 15, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

B - Bible Authority A - Autonomy of the Local Church P - Priesthood of the Believer T - Two Ordinances I - Individual Soul Liberty S - Saved Church Membership **T - Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon**