
The 4 P's, Pt. 1

Part 1, A Purpose

June 7, 2024 • Central Baptist Church

June 7, 2024


Four P’s (A Purpose, a Plan, a Provider, and Paradise)

Part 1, A Purpose

I’ve heard it said, “Everything starts with a plan!”  And that’s good advice.  We need a plan for every project we undertake and for life itself!  The adage goes, “If you aim at nothing, that’s probably what you will hit!”

But of course, there had to be a project before the plan.  Instead of the word project, I’ll substitute the word purpose; there first had to be a PURPOSE.  Your plan hopefully accomplishes your purpose.  For example, if your purpose is to retire early with lots of cash, then your plan will likely be heavy on investments… all the while hoping for a bull market!  If your purpose is to be healthy, then the plan, to the best of your ability, is to stay physically fit, eat right, and avoid putting chemicals into your body that will kill you. 

So, if we should be purpose-driven planners, would it surprise you to recognize that God also has a plan, and that it is, of course, purpose-driven?  Paul explains in Ephesians 3 that God had and has an eternal purpose, which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord... (Ephesians 3:11).  The scope of God’s overarching purpose is beyond us, however, He reveals at least parts.  Moses wrote, The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).

A big part of God’s purpose in the Creation was human-centric.  Humans and angels were God’s only created spiritual beings.  But of the two, only humans were and are made in God’s Tripartite image and likeness.  Furthermore, only men can be redeemed from their fall into sin!  To that purpose, God incarnated Himself in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, the Eternal Son, now a God-Man forever.  And just as Paul wrote there in Ephesians 3:11, all of God’s purpose and plan is encapsulated in the God-Man, Christ Jesus our Lord.  And through Jesus, God is bringing many sons (and daughters) unto glory (Hebrews 2:10).  This speaks of His Savior-centric redemption plan.

And then another part of God’s purpose is to live amongst His redeemed humanity upon a New Earth forever and forever.  Throughout the Bible we see God’s plan unfold, and it gives us hints about His wonderful purpose, perhaps the chief two being fellowship with and worship from His Creation.

So, our omniscient, omnipotent Creator has a purpose.  The obvious question then is, “Do you?” “Do I?”

Sadly, many people are living purposeless lives.  They don’t know where they came from, why they are here on this ball of rock, or where they are going when they die.  Science, so-called, has fed us a fantastic fable called the Big Bang and molecules-to-man evolution.  This fable reduces human beings to chance accidents in a purposeless Universe, which itself somehow just happened!  This fantastic fable called Evolution puts us on the same level as a mosquito, a flea, or an algal slick on a stagnant pond.  We are all just chance accidents in an accidental universe.  This secular, atheistic worldview (a.k.a., Naturalism) eliminates “purpose” in life.  IF there is no God—and therefore no Divine Plan to give our lives reference and purpose—THEN we are just random accidents, living meaningless and purposeless lives, running on a hamster wheel called “life”, dying, and donating our carcass to fertilizing the soil.  Now, isn’t that encouraging?  Doesn’t that make you want to get up and go to work every morning?

Friends, our consciences, and the God-given logic that programs our brains tell us that there must be more to life than the rat race, dying like a dog, and thereby going out of existence.  God has built spiritual sentience—an awareness of Him—into every human soul (mind).  God clearly teaches this in Romans 1:19-20.

Romans 1:19-20 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed itunto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse…

This spiritual sentience is like a homing signal.  It leads us to our Creator.  It guides us to find our purpose, which is a relationship, and then loving fellowship with, our God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Christianity isn’t a religion; it’s a relationship!  Only an eternal relationship with our Creator, Jesus Christ, can give us purpose and meaning in life. 

God bless and conside