Fear will...
* Cause us to disobey God
* Cause us to dishonor God
* Cause us to distrust God’s promises
1. We need to be more fearful of losing Gods pleasure and presence
2. When we fear men we fall into a snare
3. We are so afraid of men, but not of God! Does He approve?

The Destructive Spirit of Fear
Faithless Fear Leads to Pragmatism, Disobedience, and Justification?
June 23, 2019 • Dr. John Waterloo
More from
That I May Know Him
"Hero Outlaw" or "The First Robin Hood"
December 15, 2019 • Dr. John Waterloo
* We have a responsibility to our parents and family (1Samuel 22: 3, 4) * There are times in our lives that we will be overwhelmed. When in despair, we need to cry out to God (Psalm 142; 57) * SOLITUDE… * encourages us to THINK and REFLECT * can prepare us for the next part of our life… if we stop fighting the changes that God places in our lives