
David Inquired of the LORD

The Importance of Seeking God’s Counsel

February 2, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

• It’s appropriate to inquire of God for everything! There is never a bad time, there is nothing too trivial... but, oh the danger of not inquiring!

1. We inquire by our indwelling Holy Spirit to our Eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ... but we must know His “voice”! We must be close to Him, in order to learn how God impresses upon us.
2. We also need to avail ourselves of Godly counselors.
3. God does sometimes work through circumstances, but only after 1 and 2

The Inside Out

December 13, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* The outside does matter, but it’s not priority one. * The outside can be deceiving. But it is revealing! How to know a person’s heart? 1—Look at their works and behavior; you can’t fake fruit! 2—Listen to their words; out the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

When Your World Comes Crashing Down

December 9, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* Everything is not always as it seems - God sent an earthquake to convert a soul! * Not every tragedy is tragic - God doesn’t cause evil, but He can use it to bring good! * Sometimes it takes a tragedy to get our attention. * If often takes a sacrifice to turn things around - Paul and Silas sacrificed their freedom in order to be available for the jailer.

Truth or Tradition?

December 6, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* Traditions have their place. God set up many traditions, to cause the people to REMEMBER! * Traditions are not a replacement for true heart-worship of God, i.e., Lip-religion vs. Heart-religion. The Pharisees were so careful to keep laws and traditions, but they had no relationship with God! Outwardly they were religious but inwardly they were wicked and lost. * When traditions supersede God’s commands, there is a big problem… and the problem is with our HEART! When we hear the Word, and do not embrace it and live it, we make it of none effect!