A Time to Fear!

What or Whom Should We Fear?

March 22, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

What Saul SHOULD have been afraid of… and what WE should BE afraid of…

* The loss of God’s favor, guidance, and protection! — The Lord had departed from Saul because he had rebelled against and abandoned God, he had killed the prophets, and he had driven David away. God had removed His empowerment from Saul! When we rebel in sin, He will remove his empowerment and guidance from us!

* Sinning before God, willfully, and flagrantly! Saul knew better, but let his pride drive his rebellion (Hebrews 10:26-31; Matthew 10:26-28)

* The coming Tribulation period (Revelation 6, The Seals) - The lost are full of fear because of the current uncertain times, but it can’t even be compared to what will happen during the Tribulation, and especially the Great Tribulation.

* Dying, without God’s forgiveness and spending eternity in the Lake of Fire!