
2024 Men's Retreat

A Retreat for Men for Worship, Fellowship, Study, Fun, and Rest.

July 11, 2:30pm - July 13, 2024 5:00pm
30 spots remaining

Only 50 spots are available. Secure your spot with a $50 deposit.

Facilitators: Wyman Richardson, Pastor, Central Baptist Church, North Little Rock, Arkansas & Lee Herring, Broadway Baptist Church, Sand Springs, Oklahoma

Total Cost: $235

- Includes

- Transportation from NLR or Sand Springs

- Meals

- Thursday dinner at Subiaco

- Friday breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Subiaco

- Saturday breakfast at Subiaco & lunch at Mt. Magazine Lodge

- Two nights lodging (double occupancy) at Subiaco Abbey Coury Guest House

- 1 copy of Thomas A’Kempis’ The Imitation of Christ

- Snacks while at Subiaco