
The Gospel Advances BECAUSE OF Adversity

Philippians 1:12-20

February 3, 2019 • Pastor Mark Mincy

Internal Evidence of the Gospel
- ginosko (academic knowledge) 1:12
- phaneros (manifestation; appearance; made known) 1:13
- Noida (expert knowledge) 1:16 and 1:19
- peitho (having become confident; trusting the Lord; much more bold) 1:6; 1:14; 1:25; 2:24; 3:3; 3:4
- megalyno (to make great, magnify, to deem or declare great; to stem highly, to extol, laud, celebrate; to get glory and praise) 1:20

External Evidence of the Gospel Advance:
- What has happened to Paul has actually served to advance the Gospel and given a renewed impetus to evangelism
- So much that the imperial guard is being impacted
- Other local believers have been given fresh confidence in the Lord
- Other believers are much more bold to speak the Word of God
God is in control of His Gospel
- Some preach out of envy and rivalry (selfishness)
- Party Spirit
- Insincerely
- Sinister motives
- To annoy Paul and make is suffering greater
- Others out of a loyal spirit and goodwill (love)
- They recognize God's grace in Paul
- They realize the most important thing is the Gospel being proclaimed and defended
- All are used by God to proclaim the good news
- Therefore, Rejoice!
- Christ will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine; Christ will be boldly exalted in my person, wether through life or through death.
- And I KNOW, and will CONTINUE, and will REST ASSURED that God is in control