
The Internal Advance of the Gospel

Philippians 1:12-30

January 6, 2019 • Pastor Mark Mincy

Humble Boldness

- I am sure this... (1:6)
- Much more bold to speak to word... (1:14)
- With full courage... (1:20)
- To live is Christ, to die is gain... (1:21)
- Not frightened by your opponents... (1:28)
- Believe... and suffer... (1:29)
- In humility count others more significant than yourselves... (2:3) - is there anything more bold than counting others more significant than yourself? Why bold confidence in God this requires!
- Holding fast to the word of life... (2:16)
- I am glad (at being poured out as a sacrifice), and rejoice... (2:18)
- Confidence in Christ... (3:4, 3:8)
- Join in imitating me... (3:17-21)
- Stand firm in the Lord... (4:1)
- I can do all things through Christ... (4:13)
- My God will supply your needs... (4:18)

Courageous Love

- The latter do it out of love... (1:16) - love in spite of attacks and falsehood; love that realizes I am part of something bigger than me,rooted in the unconditional incomparable love of God
- ...having the same love... (2:2-11)
- Unity
- No selfishness
- No pride
- Abundant humility - doing that which is the exact opposite to my
nature - esteeming others more highly than myself
- Don't be consumed with your own interests only, but also the needs
of others (almost a restatement of the previous phrase adding
- Give yourself away for a cause far greater than you - live sacrificially
and humbly like Jesus did
- Paul's example... (2:17)
- Timothy's example... (2:18-24
- Epaphroditus's example... (2:25-30)
- Those I love and yearn to see... (4:1)
- Stand firm (courageous love)
- Be unified; reconcile
- Help others reconcile
- Rejoice
- Be reasonable
- Don't worry or be anxious
- Give thanks

Divine Wisdom
- 1:9-11
- Knowledge
- Discernment
- Approve what is excellent
- Pure
- Blameless
- Knowledge base upon things we don't fully understand (persecution, etc.)... (1:12-13)... it has become KNOWN
- I know that through your praters and the help of the Spirit of Jesus... (1:19)
- Transformed mind
- ...one mind... (1:27)
- Same mind... (2:2)
- One mind... (2:2)
- Lowliness of mind... (2:3)
- Have his mind... (2:5-11)
- ... have the same mind... (4:2)
- That I may know Him... (3:10)
- Power of his resurrection (so that I won't be afraid to die 0 to self, or
even physically)
- Share in his sufferings
- Become like Him in His death
- ...think this way... (3:15)
- 3:12-14
- Be true!! - verse 16
- ...think on these things... (4:8)

- External advance of the Gospel

- Preach the Gospel
- Rejoice in the Gospel Proclamation
- Live the Gospel