
Week 3 - Nov. 1

November 1, 2020 • Mike Lewis

We're so looking forward to this Sunday and Week 3 of "Mind Blown: Family Edition". We'll continue looking at the family through a biblical lens and how we can experience the restoration and glory that God desires for all of us!

This Sunday, we’ll be focusing on the role of husbands. Men, this message is especially for you! God has uniquely designed and called you to be the head of your home. It’s a huge part of your purpose on this earth! We live in an imperfect world, so none of us grew up with fathers who perfectly modeled for us how to love and treat our wife or lead our home. That’s why we all need help! God didn’t intend for marriage to just be OK; He designed it to be very good! Our heart’s desire is for every marriage to ultimately fulfill God’s original purpose and plan.