
Week 1 - April 19

April 19, 2020 • Mike Lewis

I think if we’re all honest, we’d say that there are times that we’re just not feeling okay. Can I speak a little truth to you? It’s OK to not feel OK. It’s OK to feel concerned, uncertain, frustrated, lonely, purposeless, out of control, or to just feel “off” (like you’re not on your “A” game). The secret, however, is in taking action and not getting stuck in those "Not OK" feelings.

These are the times I'm especially grateful for the gift of the Bible and all the stories of men and women just like us, who struggled with similar feelings, and discovered strength and help in God.

This Sunday, I'll be talking about how to breathe out those "Not OK" feelings and inhale the "OK"ness we find in God's presence and His promises. He is our Good Shepherd (Psalm 23), the One who faithfully leads us through dark valleys and into better places. So let's follow Him!