
Jesus Stayed

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Rob Pendley • Luke 23:32–43

Luke 23                   CFC                          October 22


Because the sinless Savior died

My sinful soul is counted free

For God the Just is satisfied

To look on Him and pardon me.  

”Jesus was brought to the place where it was customary to execute criminals, that his death might be more ignominious. Now though this was done according to custom, still we ought to consider the loftier purposes of God; for he determined that his Son should be cast out of the city as unworthy of human interaction, that he might admit us into his heavenly kingdom with the angels.”                  --John Calvin

BO GIERTZ: Before he went to heaven, he gathered up all sin that was in our works, all the shame, guilt, misdeeds, and lust that barred the way to God and laid it upon himself. Then he bore it upon the cross. There he atoned for all when he in our stead suffered a horrible death.

Then on that day, he opened a path to God for sinners. He atoned for the thief’s sins, and he took him by the hand as a brother, he carried him in across the high arch of the bridge of righteousness.


1. Both Thief #1 and Thief #2 display something we all wrestle with: expecting/wanting/demanding? Jesus to be who we prefer Him to be. We misunderstand His agenda: both with us and in the world.

Are you aware of ways in which you forget Scripture and adopt your definition of God’s love, salvation, and provision?

2. Thief #1 remained unrepentant. His view of who God was and what the Messiah would do were formed by the surrounding culture and NOT by what Scripture teaches. Agree?

3. Thief #2 was given the gift of repentance. He transitioned from mocking & accusing Jesus to trusting and hoping in Jesus. Do you recognize the same kindness of God towards you?


4. When was the last time you reflected…. Paused…. And thought on the reality that your best friend, your hero, your Savior… died a tortured death while naked and being mocked---and all publicly?

5. Jesus stayed there. He stayed on the cross. He hung there for you, he did NOT use His power and authority to relieve His own suffering, but stayed so He could relieve yours. As you see that, you’ll notice strength rising within you to trust Jesus with your suffering.

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