
Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Feeling Sifted

May 18, 2024 • Pastor Benji Ferguson • 1 Peter 5:8–11

While this isn't an official Youth Sabbath this weekend, it is a Youth Sabbath. I'm so excited that almost the entire service is High School students. Our Praise team this week even kicked me out of the band! I do not take for granted that Carmichael is a wonderful bubble in Christianity where intergenerational worship isn't just something that is a token week. It is who we are and what we do. You have purposefully and intentionally built that culture over the last two decades and it is special.

My sermon this week comes from me being distracted last time we had communion. I found a text that I don't think I'd fully read before as I was processing Jesus' last night with His disciples. I talked to Dr. Steve Case afterwards and asked if he'd ever heard a sermon on that text...he said he couldn't recall one, so I decided then that it would be my next sermon. I've been challenged as I've prepared, but also encouraged. I hope you walk away from this week with more hope and gratitude than you had before. I can't wait to worship with you this weekend!

Pastor Benji

Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

June 22, 2024 • Pastor Marvin Wray • Job 42:1–3

We live in a world of constant turmoil it seems. Whether we consider things political, theological, economical, meteorological, or any other "icals", there seems to be debate, side taking, and sadly, bitterness with the division. And then we have all the pundits that have all the answers and know exactly who is to blame. Well, I do have a solution. Let's just keep our eyes on Jesus. Let's listen to His wisdom and His promises. Let's recognize the time in which we live for what it really is...the last days! I'm not an end time alarmist preacher. I'm a gospel preacher, but I am not going to bury my head in the sand either. I don't have all the answers to your questions or all the wisdom to solve the problems, but "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day!"

Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

June 8, 2024 • Pastor Marvin Wray • Ephesians 4:1–3

It seems that at all Conference Constituency meetings, Division meetings, and certainly at General Conference meetings there is always a report on statistics. We love to share the increased numbers in membership, tithe, number of churches, etc. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but I wonder if this is what God is seeking for us. Or, is He perhaps more interested in our personal growth and our unity? On that great resurrection morning the saints are going to be caught up together in the air and suddenly race, gender, denominational preference and so many other things that divide us here are not going to matter at all. We will at last be ONE! I think that is God's ideal for His church on earth now. As we strive so hard to be "right", let us be surrendered to Christ and be one in Him.

Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

June 1, 2024 • Greg Howell

Here and Back Again