

God's People in the Old Testament

John the Baptist: Dealing with Doubt

June 26, 2022 • Cole Feix • Matthew 11:1–15

Every Christian will go through a season of doubt, disappointment, or discouragement. Even John the Baptist, the greatest of the prophets and the forerunner of Christ, found himself wondering if God would really come through on his promises. In Matthew 11:1-15, Jesus responds to John and shows us how to turn to God in seasons of doubt.

Elijah: The Lord Is God

June 12, 2022 • Cole Feix • 1 Kings 18, Revelation 2:20–29

Elijah was God's prophet to a generation in Israel limping between Yahweh and other gods. They worshipped God in principle but worshipped Baal in practice. They looked to God as a people but to Baal for their needs. In this sermon, Pastor Cole looks at the temptation to compromise and trust in things other than God today. In the end, Elijah is a witness to us that God is the one true God and the only one we need.

Jeremiah: Everyday Faithfulness

Cole Feix • Jeremiah 25:1–7, Jeremiah 1:1–13

By the world's standards, Jeremiah was an unsuccessful prophet. For 40 years he spoke God's word to the people of Judah but they did not listen. In the eyes of God, though, Jeremiah's ministry was a triumph. He lived out his calling, trusted God, and spoke of the day when God would fulfill his promises and make a new covenant. Today, we get to see what Jeremiah spoke about, and like him, we are encouraged to be faithful in difficult times.

Caleb: Living Wholeheartedly for God

Cole Feix • Numbers 13—14, Joshua 14:6–12

Caleb is only mentioned in a few passages, but he is a hero of the faith. When the Israelites sent spies into the promised land, Caleb believed God would fulfill his promise and give them the land. After 45 years, he was still hoping to be a part of God's plan. Caleb is a model for anyone who wants to live wholeheartedly for God.

Hezekiah: Listening to God's Voice

May 22, 2022 • Cole Feix • 2 Kings 18—19

What do you do when you don't know what to do? Hezekiah found himself in a no-win situation. Jerusalem was under siege and he had a choice: listen to God or listen to the most powerful king in the world. We're often stuck between competing voices and opposing promises, and we have to choose who to go to. Hezekiah reminds us of the importance of listening for God's voice and trusting in his promises, no matter the alternatives.

Daniel: Living for God in a Foreign Land

May 15, 2022 • Cole Feix • Daniel 6

Daniel's story ends being saved from the lion's den, but how did it start? For almost all of his life, Daniel served God in a foreign land. He was never in the majority, but with God, he was never forsaken. What did he do to keep himself from compromising? The story of Daniel and the lion's den shows us how to live a godly life and to commit ourselves to God's ways, God's plans, and to prayer.

Hannah: Pouring Out Your Soul to God

Cole Feix • Matthew 14:22–33, 1 Samuel 1:21—2:10

When things weren't going right in Hannah's life, she turned to God. In the midst of her disappointment and discouragement, she poured her heart out to him. Even when God gave her the deepest desire of her heart, she continued to praise and serve him. Hannah is a hero of the faith and a model for us of going to God in our troubles and triumphs.