

Examples to Follow: Phil 2:19-30

May 26, 2024 • Cole Feix • Philippians 2:19–30, Luke 10:25–37

The Bible is more than a list of what to do and not to do; it's filled with examples of people just like us following Jesus. Paul gives us two of these examples in Timothy and Epaphroditus. These men show us how to live in such a way that those who look at our lives will only be able to conclude that something massive has changed in our hearts.

Work Out Your Salvation: Phil. 2:12-18

May 19, 2024 • Cole Feix • Philippians 2:12–18

What is our role in the Christian life, and what is God's? Paul puts it this way, "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." But how does this work in practice? Growing requires us to know God's work, our work, and the attitude we should have as we grow. 

The Imitation of Christ: Phil. 2:1-11

May 12, 2024 • Cole Feix • Philippians 2:1–11

When Paul turns his attention to humility, he reaches for the greatest example of all time - Jesus's life, death, resurrection, and ascension. By looking to and imitating Christ, we can walk in humility and unity as a church.

Our Great Ambition: Phil. 1:18-30

May 5, 2024 • Cole Feix • Galatians 2:20, Philippians 1:18–30

Sitting in prison, how was it that Paul could say, "To live is Christ and to die is gain"? Paul made it his great ambition to make much of Jesus Christ and magnify him in every circumstance. He urges us to do the same. In this passage, we see a great ambition for our lives, a mission to adopt, and growth areas to focus our efforts.

Praying the Promises: Phil. 1:9-11

April 21, 2024 • Cole Feix • Philippians 1:3–11

Paul didn't pray like we do. In this opening prayer in Philippians, Paul asks for something that God has already promised, that our love would abound more and more and turn into discernment. By following the course of this prayer we can learn how God designed us to produce fruit for the Kingdom.

The Fellowship of Grace: Phil. 1:1-8

April 14, 2024 • Cole Feix • Philippians 1:1–8, Acts 16:6–40

The Letter to the Philippians is different from Paul's other letters. His joy, gratitude, and warmth convey the depth of his love for them and their history together. But this love wasn't just based on their history; it was based on what God had done in their community and the promise that he would finish what he started.