
Day 2, Week 3 - Jesus the Alpha and Omega

Jesus, The Name Above All Names

December 15, 2020 • Dana, Pastor Akeia

DEVOTION: For those who are unfamiliar with the Greek alphabet this name may not mean much at first. But simply saying alpha and omega means “A to Z” wouldn't do it justice.

Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet and represent the entirety of not just letters but all knowledge, all existence and all time. From beginning to end, Jesus was, is and will be & all things live, move and have their being in him (Acts 17:28). There is nothing outside the realm of His presence. He sovereignly rules over all existence. Through him all things were created that will be and in him all things hold together (Col 1:16-17).

But Jesus is not only the beginning and end of all creation, He is also the author and finisher of our faith. He experienced the full range of human life alongside us, yet without sin. From his birth in a humble stable to being ostracized by his own community and hanging on a cross like a criminal, Jesus lived the life of faith, and trusting Himself to His Father and walked in obedience. And when he breathed His last breath, he declared “it is finished”. The work of justification had its beginning and its end in Jesus

Jesus did all this looking at His current circumstances through the eyes of faith knowing the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). For Jesus, that joy was knowing that He would be resurrected in glory and spend eternity with His bride, the church, which He came to save. We can take comfort in our Alpha and Omega, knowing that whatever we experience in this journey of faith we are not alone. Jesus has gone before us, He welcomed us into this journey and He will see us safely to the end.