
Compare and Contrast - Part 3 | James 3:13-18 | September 1, 2024

September 1, 2024 • Chris Chadwick • James 3:13–18

James - one of the most practical books in the New Testament, teaches us so much about the Christian life. In this message, learn truths from the Bible that you can apply to your life today.

(00:00:24) Intro: Compare & Contrast

- Vs 13 = God’s wisdom vs world’s wisdom

- Believers are to check hearts for evil, bitterness, and envy

(00:05:45) Vs 17-18: The virtue of true wisdom (wisdom from above)

- God’s wisdom stands firm against every wisdom of world (Proverbs 21:30)

- Pure = set apart unto God, holy and pure from defilement

- Peaceful = wholesome, disposed to peace/well-being/happiness (Romans 5:1, Matthew 5:9, Romans 12:18)

- Gentle = moderate, considerate, patient, soft

- Easy to be entreated = teachable, not stubborn or hard (Proverbs 1:7, 1:22, 1:30, 15:5, 18:2)

- Mercy = compassion, affection, kindness, willingness to help

- Good fruits = do all possible to meet needs of desperate world

- Doesn’t cause division = no partiality, consistent judgment and treatment for all (1 Timothy 5:21, Romans 16:17)

- Genuine = without hypocrisy, nothing fake/false

(00:41:55) Vs 18: The product of heavenly wisdom = a life of peace

- Treat each other and God as we should

- Be at peace no matter life’s circumstances

- Only possible for believers to be at peace with God

- Fulfilling duty is greatest joy and source of peace in world

Hashtags: #GodlyWisdom, #HeavenlyWisdom, #BiblicalVirtues, #PureAndPeaceful, #GentlenessAndMercy, #WisdomFromAbove, #LifeOfPeace, #TrueWisdom, #FaithAndWisdom, #WalkInPeace