
Part 5 | Forgiveness

September 10, 2023 • Pastor Travis Marsh • Matthew 18:21–35

Jesus uses the parable of the unforgiving servant to highlight the significance of unconditional grace and God's expectation that we forgive others. Just as our heavenly Father wipes away our unpayable sin debt through His Son, He calls us to forgive those who wrong us. Failing to forgive not only contradicts the gospel, but also burdens our hearts and often deepens our disconnection from God. Join us this Sunday to explore the vital topic of forgiveness.

Part 6 | Building a Legacy

September 17, 2023 • Pastor Marty Scales • Ecclesiastes 3:9–14

If you were asked to complete this sentence how would you do it? “There is nothing better in life for us human beings than this (fill in the blank).” How do you think the Creator would answer this same question? This Sunday we will look at the essential elements of a blessed life according to the Book of Ecclesiastes. 

Part 4 | Communication

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Timmons • Matthew 5:21–24

All people, families, and churches are influenced by communication. What we say and how we say it matters. What others say and how they say it affects us. Words are incredibly powerful. They can be a spring of fresh water or a cesspool of toxic waste. Communication can be what holds a community together, or what tears it apart. So we need to think deeply, speak carefully, and be guided by God and his communication with us - the Scriptures.

Part 3 | Raising Children

August 27, 2023 • Pastor Travis Marsh • Deuteronomy 6:1–9

Parenting is an amazing and challenging adventure. Moms and dads go through many ups and downs as they raise their children, trying to give them the best in life. The Bible, in both the Old and New Testament, gives special guidance on how to be a good parent. At the same time, it talks about how we're like children to God, and He's like a parent to us. Come join us to explore how these ideas connect, and learn not only how to be a better parent but also how to grow closer to Christ through the important task of parenting.