
Part 4 | Good Friday

April 7, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Timmons • Luke 23:32–46

Join us for our Good Friday service April 7th at 7pm. This is an important way in which our church recognizes all that Jesus has done for us - taking "The Road to the Cross." Childcare will not be offered at this service as we are encouraging families to sit together in the worship center. This service will feel more serious and somber.

Part 5 | Easter

April 9, 2023 • Pastor Travis Marsh • Luke 24:1–12

In the aftermath of the crucifixion, two disillusioned disciples embarked on a journey to Emmaus, unaware that an extraordinary encounter with the risen Christ awaited them. This Sunday, we invite you to join us as we explore the 'Road to Emmaus'—a story of hope, revelation, and life-changing transformation. As we walk alongside these disciples, we'll uncover the profound truth that Jesus continues to draw near to us, opening our eyes to His presence and the power of His Word. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to rediscover the risen Savior and experience the joy of recognizing Him in our everyday lives. Come, let's journey together on the 'Road to Emmaus.'

Part 3 | Palm Sunday

April 2, 2023 • Pastor Travis Marsh • Matthew 21:1–11

Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem was not only the fulfillment of prophecy but laid the groundwork for his ultimate victory over sin and death through his upcoming death and resurrection. Despite the mixed reactions of the crowds who were both drawn to and rejected his message, Jesus' claim was clear: Jesus is the true King and savior of the world. We invite you to join us this Sunday as we delve deeper into this topic in our series, 'The Road to the Cross'."

Part 2 | The Kingdom

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Travis Marsh • Revelation 21:1–4, Luke 4:42–44, Matthew 13:31–33

The Kingdom of God encompasses both the present and the future. According to Jesus, it is already within reach and can be experienced through repentance and faith in him as the Son of God. Jesus also emphasized that the Kingdom of God is beyond this world, and he must return to his Father to establish it. All who call upon his name are invited to join him in his Kingdom. Join us this Sunday, we will be continuing our series, "The Road to the Cross."