
Part 7 | Thriving through deepening Relationships

Thriving Christians

June 7, 2020 • Pastor Marty

Many people believe in God and believe God loves them and calls themselves Christians yet they are just as selfish, anxious, hate-filled, and messed up as everyone else. Beliefs must be turned into a changed character and our focus on Sunday will be asking how God calls for that transformation to happen. Hint: It's by being deeply involved in an intimate Christian Community. That kind of community is unknown to many of us and so this Sunday we'll look for action steps we can take to enter into that community.

Part 1 | Thriving to Please God

April 19, 2020 • Pastor Marty

Should Christians be concerned about whether or not they are Thriving? If we were to define Thriving as flourishing, growing, maturing, blooming, or advancing; and the opposite of Thriving being declining, waning, stagnating, or atrophying; we would probably all agree that flourishing and Thriving is something God calls us toward. In today’s Scripture lesson we are called to become “pleasing” to our God in all these segments of our lives.

Part 2 | Thriving by becoming Wise

April 26, 2020 • Pastor Marty

There is a segment of each of our lives that is inward and immaterial. Some call it ego, some call it the soul, some characterize it as the private place we do our ‘self-talk’. This inner part of us is sometimes disguised by us, often times it is concealed and unexpressed, while many people are very revealing about what they are thinking, believing or feeling. The Bible calls this part of us the “Heart” and God repeatedly calls us to become wise in this fundamental area because it influences all our behaviors.

Part 3 | Thriving by knowing the desires of our hearts

May 3, 2020 • Zakk Uhler

The heart is the center part of our inner being. In Psalm 139, David pleads for God to search his heart and lead him in the way everlasting. To have a “Thriving” relationship with God, we need to understand our hearts, surrender our hearts, and learn how to guard our hearts against threats and temptation. Join us on Sunday as we look to God’s Word to teach us how to do just that.