
Rooted: Part 2 Add...Virtue and Knowledge

Service begins at 10:00AM

April 25, 2021 • Pastor Marty

Last Sunday we learned that Peter taught that Christians needed to supplement or add to their faith, seven qualities. These qualities, in a stair stepping way, begin with adding to our faith, Virtue (moral excellence) and then adding to our Virtue, Knowledge of God and His ways. We will look at the definitions of these two qualities and look at the Parable of the Talents as well. The Parable will give us a real life look at how the possession or lack of these qualities has a huge effect on our life choices. In preparation read again 2 Peter 1:1-15 and Matthew 25:14-30.

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Part 4 | Add... Brotherly Affection and Love

Part 3 | David's Self Control

May 2, 2021 • Pastor Marty

This Sunday we will look at three more of the qualities that Peter teaches we must make every effort to supplement our Faith. Last week we looked at adding "Moral Excellence" and "Knowledge of God" to our Faith. This week we will look at "Self-Control", "Steadfastness" and "Godliness". The effect on us inwardly and behaviorally is great when we have these qualities developing within us. As an example of becoming "Self-Controlled" and "Steadfast" we will look at an event in David's life as he is running from King Saul, found in 2 Samuel 24.

Rooted: Part 1 Add to Your Faith

April 18, 2021 • Pastor Travis Marsh

According to the Apostle Peter, there is a difference between an effective and fruit bearing Believer and a Believer who has a spiritual vision problem - nearsightedness approaching blindness. One who is nearly blind will trip and fall in important spiritual and life matters. Peter wants to stir us up to pursue and add some qualities that will powerfully supplement and develop our Faith. These added qualities will not only confirm our calling and election, but also keep us from failing. Join us week by week we look at these qualities in 2 Peter 1:1-15 and see how they can be added to our lives.