
Part 6 | When things get Difficult

Exodus: Drawing Out and Calling In

February 9, 2020 • Pastor Marty

600 Egyptian war chariots coming at you would cause anyone to feel fear. What do you do when the situation is so difficult that you feel powerless and on the edge of doom? That day the Israelites melted into anxious faithlessness. Then Moses told them to stand firm and in silence, watch the LORD vanquish their enemy. By the end of the day all the chariots were at the bottom of the Sea. Exodus 14:30 "Thus the LORD saved Israel that day..."

More from Exodus

Part 1 | The Saga of Exodus

January 5, 2020 • Pastor Travis

We launch into the New Year looking at one of the great sagas told in all the Bible. The Exodus is the story of God redeeming an entire nation called to teach the world about God’s love for all people.

Part 2 | The Exodus of Moses

January 12, 2020 • Pastor Travis

Moses is being shaped and formed to be a great leader. The path to becoming a great leader is experiencing the trials and life situations you want to lead others through. The Lord is giving Moses experiences that will help him lead Israel out of slavery.

Part 3 | I Am Who I Am

January 19, 2020 • Pastor Travis

We continue this week looking at Exodus 3 and 4. In one of the more recognized stories in Scripture Moses encounters God at the burning bush. Join us this Sunday as we learn how this encounter teaches us about how we can approach God for ourselves and discern His call in our lives.