
Mountain Mentality

May 20, 2018 • Travis Clark

The life your soul craves the most cannot be lived by going around your trials, but by going through them.

Futures & Fields

May 13, 2018 • Travis Clark

In the field, you become the person you're looking for is looking for. God's job is the outcome of my future. My job is obedience in the field.

You Lug What You Load

May 6, 2018 • Travis Clark

We tend to lug broken families, bad habits and bitter wounds into our relationships. What are some things that we load in our lives and lug later?

The Soup Coup

April 29, 2018 • Travis Clark

In an instant-society, we'll take instant-gratification at the expense of long-term satisfaction. When making a big decision, ask: "Will future-me be mad or glad about this decision?"