
The Great Co-Mission

"The Great Co-Mission" - Jesus made a powerful statement with some of His last words, telling his followers to spread the Gospel to everyone around the world. How do we do this? Who is supposed to do it? Find out more about what the Great Commission means in the first part of this two week series.


February 2, 2020 • Pastor Daniel Leavitt

In the second part of this series, Pastor Dan emphasizes the MISSION part of the Great Commission. What is our job? How do we complete this task? Pastor Dan explores our part in the Great Commission in this message.


January 26, 2020 • Pastor Daniel Leavitt

In the first part of this series, Pastor Dan emphasizes the CO part of the Great Commission. Who are we partnering with to get this done? Who's authority are we working with in the Great Commission? Pastor Dan explores the power of Jesus in this message.