

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, from Jesus Christ.

Jesus is Coming Soon

January 31, 2021 • Matthew Molesky

The last word from Jesus in the Bible is that promise that he is coming soon. What exactly does that mean, since he said it over 2,000 years ago? And how should it inform our living until he comes back?

The Glorious Presence of God

January 24, 2021 • Matthew Molesky

In this part of the vision given to us by Jesus, we see the climax of God’s project throughout history to restore his dwelling with humanity and the global healing of his creation.

It’s Gonna Get Better

January 17, 2021 • Matthew Molesky

In this near-end to the Revelation of Jesus, he provides us a promise from God, that, if we grab hold of it, will allow us to face anything.

Jesus Reigns Now and Forever

January 10, 2021 • Matthew Molesky

In Revelation 20, we come face to face with the central issue that every person must face in their lives; namely, what will happen at the end of their lives?

A Love Story

November 15, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

In Revelation 19, we find Jesus leading us into the coming together of the story lines of the tale that God has been telling throughout his Word.

A Tale of Two Women

November 8, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

In this extended metaphor of the great prostitute, Jesus gives us a way to understand the times of national upheaval we are living in, and where we find our hope.

Behold!…Blessed is the One Found in Jesus!

November 1, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

As Jesus continues his revelation through his ongoing vision, he gives us a picture of the full and final outpouring of God’s wrath. Is such wrath really necessary? And if so, how do we possibly prepare for such an end?

Justice Will Be Served

October 25, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

The story of God’s redemption has always been closely tied to the story of God’s judgment. In this vision from Jesus in Revelation 15, we see how the end of the story is intimately connected to and explained by the beginning of the story.

The Coming Harvest

October 18, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

As Jesus continues to reveal the future, he uses the metaphor of farming and harvest time to show us that all our decisions, and one key decision, will lead us to one reaping or the other.

Rest From Your Labor

October 11, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

While we live in a time where our labors are stained by toil and disappointments, Jesus provides a vision of the future when we will rest from our labors, supplying us with a way to fight the battle for joy today.

The Cosmic Conflict (part five)

September 13, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

In this follow-up to the previous sermon, we are faced with the second of the two beasts who serve the design of the dragon. How are we to face this foe? Come, and see.

The Cosmic Conflict (part four)

September 6, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

In Revelation 12-14, Jesus reveals the Cosmic Conflict going on between the Holy Trinity—of Father, Son, and Spirit—and the un-holy trinity of Dragon, and the beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth. And how we are part of the battle.

The Cosmic Conflict (part three)

August 30, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

We are in a “mini-series” inside of Revelation entitled “The Cosmic Conflict,” covering chapters 12-14. This week is part three, from Rev. 12:13-13:10, where we ask the question: “How do we answer the call of Jesus for the endurance and faith of the saints?”

The Satan is Real, Deceitful, Dominating, and Deadly. And One Little Word Shall Fell Him.

August 23, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

In this part of his revelation, Jesus shows us how Satan, the Accuser, has been defeated, and yet, continues to come after God’s people. How to conquer him? Come, and see.

The Satan is Real, Deceitful, Dominating, and Deadly

August 16, 2020 • Matthew Molesky

In this vivid vision from Jesus, we find that while the satan is real, deceitful, dominating, and deadly; one little Word shall fell him.