
Next Steps


October 27, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

In an interaction between Jesus and a man in a crowd, we learn how to live a generous life filled with contentment and joy.


October 20, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

A life of discipleship following Jesus is filled with joy. And while that is manifestly true, it doesn’t mean following him is always easy. So when you face the persecutions and enter those difficult parts of the journey, how will you prevail? In what may seem like a passing moment in the life of Jesus, he teaches us volumes about connection and community.

Join Our Family

October 13, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

While the interaction between Peter and Jesus recorded by Matthew may be brief, it is packed with tremendous significance for his disciples. For in just a few moments, Jesus teaches us who a disciple is, and what a disciple does, and the centrality of the church to it all.


October 6, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

As we continue our series on the Next Steps to following Jesus, we learn that while the life of the Christian is marked by the commands of Jesus, we must not forget that one of those is the command to CELEBRATE. Come and hear the story of how it has always been this way with God and his people.

(Go and) Share

September 29, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

In this familiar-to-Christians story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, we discover that we have far more to learn here about Jesus and his heart than we do about the woman at the well. His teaching to the disciples, in short? Go, and share.

Come and See

September 22, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

Since Jesus teaches us that his disciples must worship (John 4:24), it becomes critical to understand what exactly worship is. In the story of his interaction with a woman at the well, we discover Jesus revealing what worship is, how we worship, and why we must worship. Come, and See.

Talk With God

September 15, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

In the most famous of Jesus’ sermons, the Sermon on the Mount, we find the great demands of Jesus on the life of his disciples. But as the remarkable Savior he is, along with his great demands, Jesus provides even better promises. And those promises may be found in the persistent and relational nature of talking with God.

Read Your Bible

September 8, 2019 • Matthew Molesky

In this first sermon in our Next Steps series, we step into the story of Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. In this powerful interaction, we learn from Jesus how the Scriptures are necessary to truly live.