
Potter's Field

November 19, 2017 • Michael & Pam Rozell

Michael’s ability to communicate visually with clay, combined with Pam’s musical gifts, create a living parable further illustrated by humorous stories and poignant vignettes. The ancient truths of the Bible are brought to life, making our relationship with the Master Potter a tangible reality.

The Rozells are a living testimony of how God has taken two broken vessels and remade them into His design. The move of the Holy Spirit has combined Michael and Pam’s artistic and musical talents into a “one flesh” ministry. They have stepped out in faith – surrendering their worldly successes for true success: to spread the love of the Father and to encourage others to run the race set before them.

2 John 1-13

May 30, 2018 • Tommy Schneider

Know Who We Are

May 20, 2018 • Tommy Schneider

Meekness of Wisdom

May 13, 2018 • Tommy Schneider