
Luke 5:12-26

Sunday Morning Second Service

August 5, 2018

"Too many today don’t really want to be changed—they don’t want to be healed of their sin. Oh, they want to be saved from hell but not from their sin. It would be nice to be able to sin and go to heaven; it doesn’t work that way. To be rescued from hell requires that we allow Jesus to rescue us from our sin."

More from Luke - 2018

Luke 1:1-25

April 15, 2018

"Luke, the doctor--the man Paul needed. But he was also a New Testament prophet, an accurate historian, and a gentile; that fact alone makes his gospel especially noteworthy." Pastor Ron begins his study of the Gospel of Luke.

Luke 1:26-38

April 22, 2018

"Our worship and praise goes only to God but our love and respect, even our gratitude, goes out to God for all the wonderful heroes of our faith! Mary is an example to all of us of Godliness and faithfulness. I hope to make that clear as we proceed."

Luke 1:38-56

April 29, 2018

"Please hear this--too many of us are afraid of believing that God wants to do great things for us/in us/through us! Too many of us look at our circumstances and conclude that God is not working/won't work in/through us. Too many of us are sad, depressed Christians missing out on God's best for us! Everything God has for us must be/can only be received by faith! By believing God!"