
Ezra 10:1-44

Wednesday Evening OT Bible Study

June 14, 2023 • Pastor Ron Arbaugh • Ezra 10

Ezra’s obviously broken heart has moved the hearts of those around him! God will use your faithfulness, your broken heart, to move His Spirit to affect the hearts of the very people you are praying for...

More from Ezra


April 26, 2023 • Pastor Ron Arbaugh • Ezra 1

It’s pretty amazing how God can prepare people to do the right thing at just the right moment! Even a pagan king. Make no mistake here—Cyrus was not (never became) a believer. But God, we are told in Prov.21, is the One who moves the heart of kings. They think they are in control but it is always God pushing the buttons.

Ezra 2-3

May 3, 2023 • Pastor Ron Arbaugh • Ezra 3, Ezra 2

We all know (I hope) that fear is something we all have to deal with. Having great faith does not negate or nullify fear. To be afraid is normal; even wise. But not giving in to fear is essential as we walk with the Lord. When God asks you to join His work, I promise fear will be your constant companion. Just don’t give in…

Ezra 4:1-5:17

May 10, 2023 • Pastor Ron Arbaugh • Ezra 4, Ezra 5

We simply cannot have divided loyalties. We must choose—and remain committed to—who we will serve. For whom we live. This is what we still see happen today when so many Christians (and much of the church) sees nothing wrong with dating/marrying people outside our faith. We must choose… Separation does not mean that we crawl into caves and stay away from the world around us. No, it means we understand the world is our mission field and our job is to bring light to the world! Not to let their darkness influence us. We must be influence-ers rather than influenced. Leaders not followers. Thank God for strong leaders…