
Hebrews 11:23-38

Friday Evening Service

September 6, 2019

"Moses is the outstanding man in the OT. We might consider him to be the OT counterpart to the Apostle Paul. Our study in Moses’ life is important because, only of
Moses, is it said that God spoke to him face-to-face as a man would a friend. Now, that doesn’t mean that Moses sat down and saw God’s face; it means only that God spoke to Moses as though He were sitting down with a friend, like you and me speaking to one another. For that reason, let’s look to Moses’ life to learn how we can hear from God—BY FAITH— because all of us should desire to be remembered in exactly the same way."

Hebrews 1:1-3

January 4, 2019

"As we begin this study, it seems almost as though the 1st chapter of this book is missing. The writer immediately begins to lay out an impressive argument about the superiority of Jesus Christ. For the author, whoever he is, Jesus is clearly the answer to every one of life’s problems."

Hebrews 1:4-14

January 18, 2019

"Part of the problem in the early church, especially when they were being persecuted, is that because Jesus was a man, it was easy to think of angels as superior. It’s true that He was 100% man—we must never forget that. Later, in this book, we are going to see why that is so important... But He was also 100% God and that’s why we must avoid the tendency to worship angels. Though they are, at least until we go to be with Jesus, superior to us in almost every way, they have never been the sole object of God’s love. They are holy and pure (at least God’s angels are). They are powerful, supernatural beings. Never forget that it was people God died for, not angels."

Hebrews 2:1-4

January 25, 2019

"As we study these warnings beginning here, I want to make 2 critical points: 1st, Real Christians cannot lose their salvation; 2nd, only God knows whether or not they had it in the first place! Galatians tells us that God cannot be mocked (fooled). He alone knows for sure. Here is the key: Jesus (Mt.7:23, speaking of professing believers) said, 'Away from me. I never knew you…' The issue in heaven has always been whether or not Jesus knows you, not the other way around... "